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Interview with Caesar1, winner of the Hattrick Masters S76!

Caesar1 (5526856), a manager who already acquired quite some HT-fame after winning several league titles and national cups in both Switzerland and Senegal, and winning the Supporter Week Trophy with his Senegalese team Caesar Spor II, was invited for an interview after now also winning the Hattrick Masters title with Caesar Spor II (2044544) in season 76!

Hi Caesar1 (5526856). You are invited for this interview because you recently won the Hattrick Masters. Can you please introduce yourself? Who is the man behind the manager and what is he doing in real life?

Thank you for inviting me to this interview. I'm 37 years old and I'm living in Switzerland. I'm working as a lawyer, but let us quickly move to the interesting part.

I agree, tell us about your Hattrick Masters title. Last season you faced an unfortunate defeat in round 3 against a counter from All Blacks Pirate (987714), but this season you started the tournament as one of your top favorites. What was your feeling at the start of the tournament? Were you out for revenge and did you prepare the Masters games any different as usual?

The defeat against All Black Pirates last season was very painful. The replays showed I should have won 83 out of 100 games. But as you know, it turned out differently. Because of this experience I decided to enter this year's Hattrick Masters without any special expectations. I knew that I had one of the strongest teams. But to win the tournament, so much has to fit together extremely well. Realizing this, I was very relaxed before the first game and I was simply looking forward to it. Not much has changed in the preparation for the games. As always, I studied the opponent's games and evaluated the strongest and most likely line-up. Then I aligned my line-up accordingly.

You really dominated the tournament, being favorite in every game. How did you manage playing with such strong ratings in both the Masters and the league games? You lost the national cup in the semi-finals, was this an indirect result of playing in the Masters? Can you elaborate on how you managed your team spirit during the Masters?

I have fully concentrated on the Masters, so I played play it cool (PIC) in all league games. Fortunately I was able to win almost all games, so my self-confidence and the team spirit was at their peak almost all the time. I should have won the cup match against Afterfloup FC in 82 out of 100 games according to the replays (link to game: (668421955)). So I was also highly superior there. I probably wouldn't have played PIC without Masters and the probability of winning would have been even higher. But I would not necessarily say that the defeat was a consequence of the Masters. It was more a matter of random.

In the semifinals and finals of the Masters I played Match of the season (MOTS). By reducing the training intensity after the first MOTS, my team spirit was still at its peak. After I increased the training intensity again, the team spirit of course dropped a lot. I now suffer from this in the championship and have to resort to a counterattack more often.

Your ratings are impressive. Can you tell us a bit on how you ended up with such a strong team? Is this a Golden Generation you’ve trained starting from 17 year olds, or what was your secret?

The original plan was to train 6 players who could play both as midfielders and as forwards. Due to the changes in the area of defensive forwards and specialties, I had to adjust my plan. Therefore only 2 of the 6 original players are left (Kristóf 'Puskás' Pál and Guilherme Luís 'Pão de Açúcar' Ferreira). New players are Leano 'Sunny' Epple, Iasonas 'Δίας' Lagidis, August 'Terrible' Schreck and Mickaël 'Grenouille' Guignard. These 6 then formed the core of my team. After these 6 players reached the target skills (except passing), I bought more players. Of course this required a lot of financial reserves. At the beginning these reserves consisted of cash. After limiting the availability of cash, I invested my liquid funds in Future Coaches and sold them again when needed.

Specialties are discussed quite a lot and there are various opinions. Can you share with us your favorite specialty and stats for a specific player? Why exactly is it your favorite? And what is your opinion about play creative tactic?

For midfielders, I especially like the specialty quick and unpredictable, because according to my observations, these special events (SE) occur most frequently. However, it has to be put into perspective that the specialty unpredictable has been weakened recently. Therefore I would probably not bet on it any more. However, I have not dealt with the exact numbers any more. When it comes to forwards, I especially like the powerful normal forward (PNF).

I didn't really use the play creative tactic. I rarely use it in important games. Against long shot teams I often used it when the opposing team had almost exclusively headers. Nowadays, however, I usually prefer to attack through the middle.

Currently we all know your impressive team is playing in Senegal, do you have any plans with your Swiss team Caesar Spor (1388627)?

With my team Caesar Spor I could already celebrate some championship and cup wins in Switzerland. In fact, I had a plan for a new setup. But I don't know if this plan is still feasible after the upcoming changes concerning the Future Coaches. I fear rather not and this is not good for my motivation.

Besides the Hattrick Masters, several managers will already know you after winning the Supporter week trophy. Do you have any ambitions left within HT? After winning the Supporter week trophy you’ll be a Diamond Supporter for life. Why did you not raise a third team yet, even not a low maintenance team which could serve as a farm for National Teams?

Of course, the "greed" for success is no longer so strong after the recently celebrated successes. Nevertheless I do not like to lose ;-). In the meantime I have also opened a third team. However, the necessary financial resources have to be acquired first. This is now running rather incidentally. At some point it could actually serve as a farm.

Do you follow U20/NT tournaments? If no, why not? If yes, to what extend are you involved?

I also follow the NT/U20 tournaments, but I am (no longer) heavily involved in this. But sometimes I would like to act as a coach, also because of the achievement points.

Hot topic in real life (RL): The obvious question about RL, we are all living in exceptional times due to the Covid-19 crisis. Can you tell us a bit about how Covid-19 affected the life in Switzerland and also your personal life?

I don't want to go into too much detail here. Just this: These are difficult times. For me personally, this means that I very often need to work in the home office and only meet my closest friends. In addition, I have just finished 10 days of quarantine. I hope that the "normal life" will return soon. Until then, I hope that people will stick to the guidelines of the authorities and I wish everyone a lot of strength and health.

Hot Topic within HT: You probably also saw the HT announcement regarding the Future Coaches (FC) and HT will probably deal with the FC issue in the near future. What is your opinion about the Future Coaches and how would you deal with it?

As already mentioned before, my plan with Caesar Spor II would not have been successful without using Future Coaches. But just the announcement of the change has already led to an enormous price collapse. This also affected my team in Switzerland, as I had invested around CHF 150 million (equivalent to 75 million euros) in Future Coaches. Personally, I find the change understandable in some aspects. On the other hand, this would probably take away a large part of my fun. I also find it intolerable that so much money is simply destroyed for many teams. In my opinion, the HT's have to find a solution to mitigate the financial consequences for the affected teams. Should the change actually come, the limit of CHF 50 million would also have to be adjusted. Because this is simply too low at the current player prices.

I’m always curious when talking to HT managers: if you could change something within HT, anything you want, what would it be?

My dream would be that HT develops an animated soccer games, which can then be watched live on the computer. Furthermore, I would not be unhappy if the Financial Directors would disappear.

Bonus question: This interview will bring you HT fame for at least a few minutes and a few managers. In order to thank all the readers, are you willing to share something unusual, exceptional, maybe secret?

I have not done anything unusual so I don’t have real secrets to share. To be successful in HT, the main important thing is to have a plan. That means it needs an idea with promising formations as the end goal, and you’ll need to estimate what financial resources will be required to complete your plan. The squad should be flexible to play several tactics, so that you are not too predictable. As a general rule, I prefer a line-up with balanced ratings on the defensive and offensive side and a strong midfield. But especially with regard to long shot teams, it is important to be able to raise your offensive ratings on the pitch.

Thanks a lot Caesar1 for your time and sharing your experience during this Hattrick Masters cup run. We wish you all the best in your HT career and in RL.
Stay safe!

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