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1. S. Kaewmaneerattana (440757871)

A controversial person who is balanced and dishonest.
Has extra-terrestrial(16) experience and weak(4) leadership. Has divine(20) loyalty.

Prospect for Prathet Thai National Team (since 4-11-2022)

Owner Boston Celtics F.C. (since 11-28-2022)
TSI 81 770
Wage 39 624 US$/week
Speciality -
Date Match Position Stars
6-8-2024 League Boston Celtics  - Celtic Railways 0 - 0 Keeper ‭ (90')‬
6-4-2024 N. Ireland Cup Pond Hoppers - Boston Celtics 0 - 4 Keeper ‭ (92')‬
6-1-2024 League Victoria Bridge - Boston Celtics 1 - 0 Keeper ‭ (91')‬
5-28-2024 N. Ireland Cup Hertzvanhire - Boston Celtics 0 - 8 Keeper ‭ (95')‬
5-26-2024 Friendly ZECHNKAS - Boston Celtics F.C. 0 - 2 Keeper ‭ (91')‬
5-24-2024 National friendly Angola - Prathet Thai 1 - 0 Keeper ‭ (44')‬
5-21-2024 Friendly Bora Bora Beach - Boston Celtics 0 - 4 Wing back ‭(92')‬
5-17-2024 National friendly Prathet Thai - Lietuva 0 - 0 Keeper ‭ (1')‬
5-11-2024 League Ming's Mongaloi - Boston Celtics 1 - 0 Keeper ‭ (91')‬
5-10-2024 National friendly Al Kuwayt - Prathet Thai 1 - 3 Keeper ‭ (12')‬
Server 070