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11-8-2010 Рэдакцыя: CHPP 2.0 адчыняе свае дзверы

Hattrick - гэта нашмат болей, чым проста сайт, і лепшае падцверджаньне гэтаму - вялікая колькасьць праграм і сайтаў, распрацаваных карыстальнікамі ХТ для іншых карыстальнікаў. Надыйшоў час аб'явіць аб тым, што многія чакалі ўжо даўно - запуск CHPP у новай форме. Яна прадугледжвае большыя магчымасьці для распрацоўнікаў, акрамя таго, мы зноў адчыняем дзверы для новых распрацоўнікаў, чаго не было апошнія некалькі год. У сваю чаргу, гэта азначае, што у Вас як у карыстальніка, з'явяцца новыя цікавыя праграмы. Таксама мы ўводзім новы, больш бясьпечны спосаб запыту дадзеных аб вашай камандзе CHPP праграмамі.
Since the very early days of Hattrick, users have built their own programs and web sites to make more out of their Hattrick experience. Already in the 90's we provided ways for these creative minds to download team data so that it could be better organized and analyzed. As Hattrick grew, so did the undergrowth of manager assistant softwares, stat sites, live viewers and all the rest. In 2001, we started a formal network for developers which we called CHPP, for Certfied Hattrick Product Providers. As Hattrick grew, so did CHPP, and what had initially been a way for us to focus on the core site, through letting users build all the stuff we didn't have time for, eventually became quite a big enterprise of it's own. In 2006 we decided to temporarily shut CHPP down for new applications - a temporary closure that ended up being four years long.

CHPP programs has remained a important part of the Hattrick experienced, enjoyed by tens of thosands if not hundreds of thousands of users. For this we are very happy to announce CHPP 2.0, a restart of the network, which will include the following news:

* All CHPP programs will start using a new authentication scheme when they access the teams of users. In this system, you as a user will always stay in control of which CHPP applications are able to access your team and what data they can see. It will no longer be necessary to share the security code with CHPP developers - all permissions are given inside Hattrick. Existing CHPP programs are given 6 months to change to the new system.

* The new CHPP portal will make it much easier to find the applications and services that are right for you. It also gives CHPP developers better opportunities to promote their work inside Hattrick.

* We are making new XML data available to CHPP developers, which will mean new features for you. It will also be possible to use the CHPP interface for managing your team through external applications. A first step is taken through our own Facebook application, where you will now be able to search for and arrange friendlies.

* We have updated the our policies and rules regarding CHPP, to make the whole process smoother for developers as well as ourselves. Clearer rules, less delays, less restrictions on what can be developed (mobile apps are now allowed!), and easier to enforce those few programs that do not follow the rules.

* Last but not least, with the reopening of CHPP we commit to keep improving the CHPP network, as we think it is a fantastic aspect of the Hattrick community. We really want to encourage new ideas and projects as this can only help make Hattrick more exciting. And for those of you that still hasn't discovered CHPP, take this time to do so - there is plenty of good applications already available, and more will come.
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