NT Players
In this guide, I’ll try to explain the different types of skills and how they should be trained for NT players.
I’ll refer to how the Italian NT players are trained, but I think this advice is good for medium to large countries, for small countries it could be more useful training different types of players.
The skills that I’m going to suggest are for players 28-29 years old, when they could play on their countries NT.
Remember: for the salary (every time the player plays for his NT, 33% of his salary is paid if he plays for a foreign NT, 40% if he plays for his country) and for the experience (a single game in NT counts as ten games in his team).
It won’t be a “mathematical” article: right now, it’s running studies to find the best skill combination to have the best chance to win. It will be possible to make an article about these studies, but here the focus here is to understand the different types of players and their training.
Before talking about each single role, it’s better to underline some fundamental aspects.
- Training intensity must be always at 100%
Any lower percentage decreases training efficiency.
- A Solid coach is the minimum required for efficient training
An excellent coach gives a bonus of 1 training per season and more chances to have better form, it’s a very well-accepted boost, but is not necessary to train a NT player; vice versa, a passable coach won't be as effective.
- Staff
When producing a NT player it's necessary to have at least 2 assistants coaches with level 4, but level 5 is more ideal, Maybe say, an excellent coach? It would be important to have a medic with at least level 4 (better 5) to try to avoid injuries, which would slow the growth of the player. From 26-27 years old, there will be need of a form coach with level 5.
- Never train the main skill above 15 before training other skills
This point is fundamentals! To train one player at magical level in the main skill (for example, playmaking for a midfielder) and after to train him in the secondary skills (defending and passing for the midfielder) is a big mistake, because of the drop in the main skill during the training of the secondary skills.
- Stamina percentage
For the stamina:
Remember: The higher the stamina percentage, the trained skill becomes lower.
There have been a lot of studies but, here is a table about recommended stamina levels to follow:
Età | Percentuale res | Resistenza attesa |
17-22 | 5 (max 10) % | 3-4 (5-6) |
23 | 10% | 4-5-6 |
24 | 12% | 6-7 |
25 | 14% | 7,7 |
26 | 16% | 7,7 |
27 | 20% | 7,8 |
28 | 22% | 7,8 |
29 | 25% | 7,9 |
30 | 28% | 8 |
31 | 32% | 8 |
32 | 36% | 8 |
33 | 40% | 8 |
GOALKEEPERSNow we can see the guidelines to train a goalkeeper for NT.
SkillsMain: keeper
Secondary: defending, SP.
TypesThere’s only one type of goalkeeper: he should have a right combination of 3 skills:
20/15/18 keeper/def/SP
TrainingIt’s possible to start with a defender, hence 8 in def and 2 in keeper, or with a true goalkeeper. Next you will need to develop all of three skills up to 15 (the order doesn’t matter) Then lastly, train SP until divine.
CENTRAL DEFENDERSSkillsMain: defending
Secondary: playmaking
Tertiary: passing, SP.
Types- Central defender normal:
18/15/8 def/pm/pass
- Central defender offensive:
17-16,5-8 def/pm/pass
TrainingThere are two possible ways to make a CD:
1) Playmaking until 15 and afterwards defending (and possibly again PM until 16-17, when defending is 15, if you want to make a CDO)
2) Defending until 15, playmaking until 15-16, eventually again defending.
Usually passing is taken until 8/9 before the other skills are above 15 (passing is useful for CA), whereas it’s a diffused opinion that all the players should reach a good SP level, between 7 and 10.
In this position, it's got chances only players with head and quick (rarely powerful).
Quick is useful to block quick SE of the opponent’s forwards. Quick defenders are often grown as shooter, hence with SP at least 17, instead of 7-10.
WINGBACKSSkillsMain: defending
Secondary: winger
Tertiary: passing, playmaking, SP.
TypesThere’s only one type of wingback:
18/15/10/8 def/cross/pm/pass
TrainingAlso here, there are two possible ways:
1) To train crossing to 15, then finish tertiary skills (passing and playmaking) and afterwards defending at full blast.
2) Defending until 15, crossing until 15, to finish tertiary skills and eventually defending.
SpecialtySame of the central defenders.
MIDFIELDERSSkillsMain: playmaking
Secondary: passing, defending
Tertiary: SP.
TypesBasically, there are two types of inner midfielder:
1) Balanced midfielder, skills:
19/11/11 pm/def/pass
2) Inner midfielder towards wing, skills:
18/10/8/14 pm/def/pass/wing
In rare cases, it’s possible to build an offensive midfielder (without defending and with a lot more passing), but they are particular players, it’s not our focus.
TrainingAlso here, it’s important to train all the secondary skills before raching 15 in playmaking. SP is always a good idea taken at 7-10, they are few trainings which could be done even with playmaking already high.
SpecialtyHead is always fundamental. In alternative, it’s possible to train powerful midfielders or even without specialty, but in that case they have to become shooters, therefore with SP at least 17.
WINGERSSkillsMain: winger, playmaking.
Secondary: passing, defending
Tertiary: SP.
TypesBasically, there are two types of wingers:
1) Normal winger, skills:
18/16/9/10 cross/pm/pass/def
2) Wingers towards middle, skills:
16/18/9/10 cross/pm/pass/def.
Defending is very important: from some study it seems useful to train it beyond 10, instead of passing. Obviously, also the “halfway” winger between these two, that is 17 both playmaking and winger, could be very good and perhaps it’s the type most build, to have a winger who can do both positions.
TrainingThe secondary skills have to be finished to go beyond 15 in the main skills. Generally, the target is to build a 16/16/9/10 (wing/pm/pass/def) and afterwards diversify it.
SpecialtyThere are two useful specialties here: head and quick. It's basically impossible to see wingers with other specialties. Quick wingers may become shooters, if they are taken at least at 17 SP, giving up something in other skills.
Secondary: playmaking, scoring
Tertiary: winger, SP.
TypesThere are two recurring types of defensive forwards:
1) Technical, skills:
15/17/14 (pm/pass/sco)
2) Quick or head, skills:
15/16/15 (pm/pass/sco).
TrainingHere it’s difficult to get wrong: it’s sufficient to not take passing too high before the other skills are completed.
TertiarySome training in winger may be useful, until 7 or 8. SP level about 7 is always recommended. Technicals and quicks may become shooters.
FORWARDSSkillsMain: scoring
Secondary: passing, winger, playmaking.
TypesNormal forward, head or quick, skills:
17,5/13/11/12 (sco/pass/wing/pm).
Forwards towards winger are not considered. Skills are approximate, for example 13 or even 14 in playmaking is achievable.
TrainingIt’s always important to not pass 15 in scoring before the other skills are not completed, for the rest the order doesn’t care. Quicks may become shooters.
2016-09-13 22:44:23,
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