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12-5-2012 Editorial: Tempo de poxas automáticas

Probas completadas: estamos orgullosos de presentar as poxas automáticas para todo o mundo!

Coas poxas automáticas facemos que o mercado de traspasos sexa máis accesíbel para todo tipo de mánagers e tamén facemos máis doado mercar xogadores sen necesidade de estares conectado, ás veces en noite cerval, só para conseguir un novo xogador para o teu equipo.

Para utilizalas, só tes que introducir a túa poxa máxima cando fagas unha oferta por un xogador. O sistema encargarase entón de facer a poxa por ti de xeito automático, subindo a poxa (polo importe mínimo) cando sexa necesario até a túa poxa máxima. Podes ter unha poxa máxima activa ao mesmo tempo.

Se queres coñecer máis detalles e exemplos sobre o funcionamento das poxas automáticas, le o editorial (anque non é necesario para un uso habitual).
Autobidding works in the same way as any normal bid would do. If you place a max bid the system will automatically bid for you when needed, always raising the bid with the lowest possible amount (2%, 1000€ minimum).

You can change (both increase and decrease) your max bid at any time, but you can’t remove your current (highest) bid of course. Your max bid is only visible to yourself, other managers just see the current bid.

As previously mentioned you can have one active max bid at a time. If your max bid has reached its max, it does not count as an autobid anymore and you can set another max bid if you want.

Now, there are a couple of special cases where we’ve built in some quite smart logic (if we’re allowed to say so ourselves) to keep things fair. For example when two teams make the same autobid, or when two autobidders bid against each other. Here are some examples to help explain this logic:

Two autobidders bid against each other
When two autobidder bid against each other, the team making the second max bid will first raise the current bid with the minimum amount. Then the system will compare the two bids and immediately make the deciding bid.

Example: Team A makes a max bid of 50 000 €, and by that gets the highest bid which is 20 000 €. Then Team B makes a max bid of 40 000€. Then the bid history will look like this:

TeamA - 20 000€
TeamB - 21 000€
TeamA - 41 000€

As you see, the system checks to the two bids and skips the bidding part up to where Team A raises Team B's max bid (40 000) by the minimum amount.

In case of two teams make the same bid
In case two teams make the same bid, the basic rule is that the first bidder gets to make that bid. If we use the example above with the change that Team B also makes a bid of 50 000€ it will look like this:

TeamA - 20 000€
TeamB - 21 000€
TeamA - 50 000€

The system checks to the bids and skips the bidding part up to the max. And as max bid is the same for both teams, the first bidder gets to make that bid.

In case a normal bid is made on the same amount as an active max bid
If someone places a normal bid on the same amount as an already active max bid, the first bidder (the autobidder) will get to make that bid. The system instantly informs the other user (Team B) that his bid was not accepted, and Team A raises his own bid. It will look like this in the bid history:

Team A – 20 000€
Team A – 50 000€

In case someone makes a normal bid which is lower than an active max bid, but the active max bid is not high enough to raise the bid by 2%
Here again the basic rule of the first bidder getting to make that bid kicks in. Using the example from above, but say team B makes a bid of 49 500€ instead (a bid that Team A can’t raise as his max is 50 000). But as Team A was the first bidder he will "take over" Team B's bid (and Team B will instantly be informed about his bid not being high enough).

Team A – 20 000€
Team A – 49 500€

If Team B’s bid of 49 500€ was an autobid instead of a normal one, it would look like this:

TeamA - 20 000€
TeamB - 21 000€
TeamA - 49 500€

And just for the sake of clarity, if Team A first bids 50 000 and then Team B bids 50 500, Team A will “win” as he is the first bidder (and Team B can’t raise his bid by 2%). Just like it works for normal bids.

Now, enjoy autobidding!
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