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6-21-2010 Editoriâl: Alenament plui svelt la prossime stagjon

Cun la gnove version dal motôr di zûc in vore, si concentrìn su altris ativitâts. Ma e je cualchi novitât pe prossime stagjon; novitâts che o crodìn e varan un biel efiet sul zûc e che no son dificilis di meti in vore.

La novitât principâl e je che tu sarâs bon di alenâ i zuiadôrs tanton plui ae svelte a partî de prossime stagjon. E saran ancje cambiaments tal sisteme dai assistents e te distribuzion dai Events Speciâi.
Come che o vin anticipât tal editoriâl Hattrick si re-invie, o ralentarìn il svilup di gnovis funzions par un pôc di timp, che al è naturâl daspò i cambiaments de ultime stagjon. Chest nol vûl disi che nol sucedarà nuie - al è alc pe prossime stagjon:

Velocitât di alenament aumentade
Te prossime stagjon o sveltirìn la velocitât di alenament. L'alenament al è un pont clâf di Hattrick, e un dai miôrs moments de setemane al è chel di controlâ i risultâts dal alenament par verificâ i mioraments. Aumentâ la velocitât di alenament al rindarà chescj moments ancjemò plui biei e al varà efiets positîfs sul zûc.

Al promôf i zuiadôrs cun plui abilitâts e al puarte a vê une plui grande varietât di zuiadôrs. Al divente plui facil pai gnûfs zuiadôrs viodi i efiets dal alenament, e ju jude a creâ une scuadre competitive plui ae svelte. Al rint plui convenient costruî une scuadre sui zuiadôrs tirâts su di te, pluitost che la a comprâju sul marcjât.

Cambiaments dal alenament in detai
L'alenament al sarà plui svelt fin al nivel Formidabil, daspò al ralentarà gradualmentri fin a Titanic (dulà che al tornarà ae velocitât di vuê). Disore Extraterestri, l'alenament al ralentarà rispiet a cemût che al è vuê e a Divin al deventarà ancjemò plui lent.

O fasarìn ancje in maniere che la etât e sedi mancul impuartante cuant che si tabaie di alenament, e come risultât, l'aument di velocitât al sarà plui alt pai zuiadôrs plui vieris. Chest al vûl ancje disi che il nivel dulà che l'alenament al divente plui lent (comparât a vuê) al sarà plui alt pai zuiadôrs plui vieri rispiet a chei plui zovins.

Cualchi esempli:
- Fin a Formidabil, un zuiadôr di 17 agns si alenarà cirche il 50% plui ae svelte di vuê (=150% de velocitât atuâl). Daspò chest la percentuâl di velocitât e calarà regolarmentri.
- Fin a Formidabil, un zuiadôr di 23 agns si alenarà cirche il 75% plui ae svelte di vuê (=175% de velocitât atuâl). Daspò chest la percentuâl di velocitât e calarà regolarmentri. Disore Extraterestri al deventarà gradualmentri plui lent di vuê (e plui alte la abilitât, plui basse la velocitât).
- Fin a Formidabil, un zuiadôr di 26 agns si alenarà cirche il 85% plui ae svelte di vuê (=185% de velocitât atuâl). Daspò chest la percentuâl di velocitât e calarà, e parsore al Magjic e ralentarà gradualmentri.
- Fin a Formidabil, un zuiadôr di 29 agns si alenarà cirche il 95% plui ae svelte di vuê (=195% de velocitât atuâl). Daspò chest la percentuâl di velocitât e calarà, e parsore al Utopic e ralentarà gradualmentri.

Ten di ments che un zuiadôr di 17 agns si alenarà plui ae svelte di un di 18 agns, e chest di conseguence plui ae svelte di un di 19 agns e vie indenant. La diference però e sarà piçule.

Cambiaments tal câl des abilitâts
La etât e deventarà mancul impuartante ancje pai câi di abilitât - cussì, i câi par vie de etât a saran plui lents. Però, i câi pes abilitâts disore titanic a saran plui svelts (plui alte la abilitât, plui svelt il câl).

Une biele conseguence di chescj cambiaments ai câi - cubiade cuntun alenament plui svelt - e je che i miôrs zuiadôrs des nazionâls a saran alenâts ancje tes abilitâts secondariis e che i miôr zuiadôrs a podaressin ancje no sedi divins te abilitât principâl.

Lis zovanîls e mantegnin la velocitât atuâl
To keep the balance between the youth academies and the scouting network (so the academies don’t produce much better players), youth players in the academies will keep their current speed. This means training in your senior team may be faster than in the academies (depending on your staff settings), but keep in mind that training a player in the academy means you don’t have to give up a training slot in for him your senior team.

Prices on the transfer might fall
Because of the increased training speed prices on the transfer market are likely to fall a bit. This is something we consider being a good thing though, as the prices currently are a bit high in our opinion. Lower prices on the market means match and sponsor incomes become more important, and that’s a nice side effect of this change.

Coming salary changes
Related to this we would like to give you a heads-up that we plan to slowly increase older players’ salaries the coming seasons. This - together with the removal of general training (see below) - not to make older players more beneficial than what they already are.

At the same time we will also slowly lower the salaries for very high skilled players. In the future we want the best players in the game to be affordable in the top series, and this – together with the training changes – will be a step in that direction.

General training removal also coming up
We would also like to give you a heads-up that we plan to remove general training (as we know it) as a training option later on. We like the thought of having an option to boost players’ current form once in a while, but it should not be something you can use week after week.

Staff changes
As I mentioned in the "Our view on Hattrick" editorial last year, we want to clean up areas of the game that contain "dead end" options and the staff system is one of those. I also mentioned that you will have to make a choice between different strategies (you will not be able to use all strategies to the max at the same time).

With this in mind we will now make a few modifications to the staff system. These modifications (see below) will also pave the way for a completely new staff system, which is currently being designed.

- Goalkeeping coaches will be merged with assistant coaches.
- Accountants will be removed
- You will not be able to hire more than 10 staff persons of the same type.
- You will not be able to have more than 30 staff persons in total.

If at the start of the next season, you have more than 30 staff persons hired, the board will first fire psychologists (but leave at least 1). If that’s not enough they will fire physiotherapists (but leave at least 1), and after that doctors.

Some short words about the upcoming staff system
Our intention with the new staff system is that it should feel a lot more personal and provide better feedback of the effect of different staff persons. It will also serve as a corner stone when it comes to choosing your game strategy; which strategic options (and to what degree) you want to utilize.

There will also be new staff types such as agents, which will put a limit to your trading capacity. And if you want to maximize trading, it also means you will have less room to improve match performance, training etc.

Special event distribution change
As you most likely know; the more you dominate the midfield today, the higher the chance to get a special event. Next season we will make midfield less important when a special event is distributed. It will now be exactly according to the ball possession.

This means having 55% ball possession means a 55% chance to get each special event (you must also have the right players/specialties for a particular event to get triggered of course).

The reason for this is to make midfield a bit less important than what it currently is. As a second step we will also connect special events with attack and defense ratings in the future.
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