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RC Obajan's HB Speaks To Hattrick Press

HoudiniBhoy is in R10 for the 2nd time in 3 seasons. It may have taken just under 7 years, but his team RC Obajan has finally become a force to be reckoned with. He's in the interview hotseat this week.

1 Your team, RC Obajan is facing the reigning English Cup champions Stinging Scorpions next, in R10. 2 seasons ago you were in R10 and were defeated by Ville Warriors who went on to win it. You must be delighted to be mixing it with the big boys?

Yes, it's amazing and it is the best way to learn even after nearly 7 years of Hattrick. I think it always hurts less when knocked out by the eventual winner but now my team are better equipped since Ville knocked us out. This season I have mixed it with some top sides in tournaments and defeating the Oceania champion was a highlight (5153297) although beating H00ligans (497641079)in the last round, albeit a touch fortunate, is definitely the best win of my Hattrick career to date. Scorpions would naturally eclipse even that but that is a tall order. Naturally I would "love it" if we beat them.

2 If you have a favourite tune of 2014, please provide a link to vimeo/utube/soundcloud for us to listen, but an older classic tune would be just as good?

This band's album is by far and away the best debut album I have heard in a long time, given they are a two piece band the sound they create are nothing short of amazing. Best £4 spent downloading anything, I would say. (

3 You took over your team on 24/12/07. What a great xmas present that was! It took 10 seasons for you to promote out of V but your team has always been on the move, having never stopped for longer than 3 seasons in any one series before promoting or relegating. This record looks likely to continue this season, as you are unbeaten & comfortably top of the III.13 table, looking good for auto-promotion. How soon will it be before we see you in the Prem?

Yes, my team have been journeymen since season 34 and I have always gone for short term success at the expense of sustainability. This time I took a more measured approach and after losing out to Nick's Nobodys and Teeb United the last two seasons I hope this season is when I make it to Series II. Getting to the Premier would be a dream come true but when you look at the calibre of manager and teams in II then I am going to have to pull something out the bag and become more tactically adept. Ideally I should concentrate on getting out of III.13 first.

4 If a fan wanted to buy you a pint, which pub would it be easiest to find you in, and what's your poison?

I work all over the world but here are some of my favourite bars I have frequented over the last year or two.




Big fan of Russian Standard Vodka, Myers Rum, Cloudy Bay Marlborough white wine, Chateauneuf du Pape if it's red. Failing that I'll settle for a Carlsberg Export or Kronenbourg 1664... Although a pint of Kilkenny in Dubai would go down even better.

5. This season, Postigod was voted in to be the England NT coach. After 6 matches England is heading for qualification, holding 2nd in Group 7, 1pt clear of Thailand (who beat Slovenia this week) in 3rd & 8pts behind a Total Football Dutch side that has won 7/7. Did you vote, and what do you think of our performance so far?

I do vote in every election and I enjoy the banter on the forums in the run up to the final result. Posti has done a fine job which isn't really surprising given his calibre. I did vote for the darkside but there was nothing in it for me, I just decided for continuity. That said, I am rarely disappointed when proven wrong, which I have been this time.

6 What skill are you currently training and what stamina percentage are you currently using and why?

Currently at 27 percent stamina, training Playmaking and Passing. I need to beef up the ageing squads stamina and indeed keep up what I consider to be two of the most important skills to maintain.

7 You currently pay for platinum supporter, is this why your team is so good? You also have a 2nd team playing in Division III.7 in Iceland, with a bot topping the table with you at the bottom. Between you there are 4 locals, an Italian and a Maltese scouser. What are your plans for this team, and do you plan to renew platinum at the current prices?

I hope it isn't the reason why the team is good, I am only just two months into the recurring monthly cost. I thought I would give it a try especially around the KHA Federation "Champions League" tournament time. My 2nd team is something of a project to try out a few things which I would like to implement into RCO without the penalties of making mistakes. I have two very good YA players coming through which should net me 7 figures to add to the money I have which will allow me to go to the next stage of my experimenting.

8 Please tell us how/where you met your other half (or last conquest), and how he/she feels about your hattrick addiction?

I met her online and we hit it off from day one, she is slightly disappointed that a 42 year old man is playing "silly games" but I did forewarn her that Hattrick was around before she was. But picking her up from the train station with a rose in your pocket and a little surprise here and there and she forgets all about it... Although that could just be her age?

9 According to our internet research, Obajan is an Arabian horse, and a place in the Philippines (which we couldn't find on a map). We suspect that Neigh-ther are the inspiration behind your team name though?

Obajan is the title of the leader of the Hamoi Tong, a group of Assassins from a series of books dear to me by Raymond E Feist. I first stared using Obajan whilst playing Halo PC many moons ago. The name has stuck over the 10+ years I have used the moniker.

10. What was your favourite movie of 2013/14
Dallas Buyers Club starring Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner( I am more a tv series man and love Game of Thrones, mostly because I started reading the books over 12 years ago. Currently watching The Blacklist which is amazing.

2014-10-06 08:41:38, 3079 visite

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