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Welcome to the Hattrick Forums!

Welcome to Hattrick and our public discussion forums. As the longest standing soccer manager game on the internet, Hattrick has also emerged as one of the most active and interesting web communities for soccer lovers. There simply is no place like Hattrick when it comes to finding like-minded people to discuss soccer, life, and everything in between with. Now, for the first time, we have opened access to parts of Hattrick's forums so that everyone, even unregistered users, can read what's going on.

Of course we hope you'll enjoy what you see and give our community a try as a registered member. Joining Hattrick is free and, as a member, you will not only get to play the game but also be able to post in our forums and access our archives of over 350 million posts going back almost 20 years.

Hattrick really is for everyone - the site is translated into more than 50 languages and we have users in 144 national leagues across the globe. You can connect with fans of any national team or any of the major international soccer clubs, or even local teams.


1 296 175 forums, 14 773 177 threads, and 365 199 212 posts in Hattrick right now!
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