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4-18-2014 Ievadraksts: Hattrick, kur katrai spēlei nozīme

Mēs vēlamies Hattrick izveidot tādu, lai konkurencei un uzvarām ir lielāka ietekme uz kluba ilgtermiņa panākumiem. Vienlaikus arī vēlamies, lai vairāk spēlēm ir lielāka nozīme, vienkārši tāpēc, ka tā ir interesantāk. Tas ir tas, kā mēs skatāmies uz izmaiņām, kas tiks veiktas pāris nākošo mēnešu laikā, un to, ko vēlamies sasniegt ar šīm izmaiņām.
Jaunā sezona sākusies ar jaunās personāla sistēmas ieviešanu. Tā ir viena no būtiskākajām izmaiņām, kas realizēta Hattrick pēdējos gados. Mēs apzināmies, ka esam tikai ieviešanas loti agrīnā stadijā, kas prasīs vēl kādas izmaiņas, pirms mēs varēsim apgalvot, ka personāla sistēma tagad ir tieši tāda, kādu to vēlējāmies redzēt. Tomēr varam apgalvot, ka pamats ir jau uzbūvēts. Jaunās lietas spēlē ir tās, kas mūsuprāt ir interesanti lietotājiem izpētīt, kas vienlaikus sniedz lielāku gandarījumu par spēli. Arī mēs, spēles attīstītāji, beidzot varam pacelt savas galvas pēc pāris mēnešu programmēšanas un testēšanas, lai definētu jaunus projektus un mēŗkus spēlei.

Ja būtu jāizvēlas viena lieta, kas raksturotu to, kā mēs skatāmies uz Hattrick tagad, kad spēle atkal pagājušajā gadā atgriezās mūsu rokās, tad tā ir stipra vēlme apskatīties vajadzības spēles pamatos, tajā uz ko šī spēle turas. Tas dos iespēju pajautāt mums sev pašiem, ko mēs varam izdarīt, lai veiktu vajadzigās vajadzīgās izmaiņas. Pārāk biežo pagātnē mēs esam izvairījušies no neērtu jautājumu risināšanas, iespējams, radot sistēmas, kas balstījās uz pamatspēli, bet neveicot izmaiņas pašā pamatspēle. Bet tagad tā nevēlamies. Tapēc šajā sezonā esam nolēmuši pieķerties un sākt pārskatīt pašus pamatus, kas noteica konkurences sistēmu Hattrick, sākot ar līgu.

Mēs vēlamies, lai katrai spēlei ir maksimāla nozime tik daudz komandu vadītājiem, cik vien iespējams. Mēs vēlamies, lai faktiskā konkurence Hattrick būtu aizraujošāka un jēgpilnāka tik daudz komandām, cik vien iespējams.

The first change that we can reveal right away is that we will completely revamp the promotion system in the lower divisions. In addition to the direct promotion and demotion slots, we will introduce qualifiers for a lot more teams in lower leagues (LeagueLevel 6 and below). This change is designed to make more matches matter, for a longer period during the season - and to make it easier for ambitious teams to rise faster in the league system. The new promotion dividers can already be seen in your league tables, but here are the details:

In Level 5 and above: Everything stays the same.
In Level 6: Teams in 5th and 6th place will now play demotion matches.
In Level 7: Teams in 3rd and 4th place will now play promotion, teams in 5th and 6th place will play demotion qualifiers.
In Level 8: The team in 2nd place will play a promotion qualifier. The teams in 5th and 6th place will play demotion qualifiers.
Level 9 -> Same rules as in in Level 7.
Level 10 -> Same rules as in Level 8.

An so on.

As before, since bots are removed at the end of the season, additional promotion slots may open up. We will scrap the old system where you manually need to keep track of whether you may get promoted despite being in third place. Instead, we will draw a number of "Lucky Losers" from the teams that lost qualification games to get promoted. The Lucky Loser draw will take the Monday after the qualifiers and it will not be possible to opt out of this draw - the fans, players and sponsors just wouldn't accept such a decision.

Another change that we can announce is that with all these new qualifiers being played at the end of the Season, we will also open up the possibility for everyone else to play friendlies during week 15 & 16. So there will no longer be a training optimization advantage for teams that play qualifiers. Finally!

Furthermore, the prize money for both Cup and league will be increased. Our intention is that it should always pay better to play in a higher league, and this should be reflected in the prize money as well of course. We will provide more details about the new prize money later this season.

Beside promotions and prize money, we are working on ways to improve the way leagues are formed and populated. Already this season break, we have extended the number of teams that have the chance to manually change series in the season break - away from boring bots to a series with old friends, for example. Last season more than 7000 teams in Hattrick took this chance to make their game experience more fun, and we want to see more of that. It's now possible in the lowest three divisions in any league. We are looking at more ways to make social connections an organizing principle for the lower divisions, where we think it is much more valuable for users to have other active teams around. For the higher division teams everything will stay as today, with no options for teams to change divisions.

So, please look forward to an interesting season ahead for Hattrick. We surely are!
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