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Reģionālā informācija

Valsts Apvienotie Arābu Emirāti
Komandu skaits 773
Pieslēgušies lietotāji 0
Laika apstākļi Apmācies  Apmācies
Laika prognoze rītdienai Mākoņains  Mākoņains
Ģeogr. platums 25°17'N
Ģeogr. garums 55°17'E


13:55 Emirates Grand`s Footbal Academy: Finally Champions!!

After many years of hard work, after many times when I was almost în the Point to say Stop, after many bad lucks, after so many missed oportunities, after 2 great generations of players after, after, after many other dificulties it s time to call us CHAMPIONS !!!
I think it s well deserved !!!

Go Go Emirates, Go Go CHAMPIONS !!!

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