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Архива системских информација

2-10-2016 Downtime and transfers

Yesterday Hattrick was down for several hours due to technical problems at our ISP which began around 18.30 and which were not solved until around midnight. The downtime was out of our hands but we are very sorry for the fact that it happened, and especially for the delays in games to those users who participate in our Supporter Week Trophy.

What did go wrong on our end yesterday, however, was that we did not stop the transfer engine as we normally do when we have downtime on the site, which means many transfer auctions finished despite there being no bidders around to bid on them, resulting in losses to the selling teams. We have always had the policy to not compensate in cases like this, because we have not had the means to make a fair estimate of the loss. But this time we would like to change policy and look into compensating the users that have lost out. We have recently taken into use a new algorithm for analysing market prices and we think this can help us reach a fair (if not perfectly fair) compensation. We do ask users involved to be patient as it could take few days before everyone receives any money.

This will apply to all transfers where the player in question had any bids when the site went down, and where the bidding finished while the site was down. We are excluding very low value players (less than 10 000 EUR) from compensation.

We are also working on a solution for transfers to automatically suspend when there are unexpected downtime on the site. Until this new functionality is fully calibrated, we may see the transfer market suspend even when there is no "real" downtime, but hopefully we can have fairly soon have this as a security measure in place so that what happened yesterday won't happen again.

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