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Hattrick Arena competitions

Hattrick Arena is the alternative competition system for Hattrick teams. There are many types of Hattrick Arena competitions, from single-match Duels against another manager to official ladder contests where you can try to become the 'King of the Hill'. There are even private tournaments you can create and run yourself, setting the rules you want.

Note that you can still play regular friendly matches every week even if you play in a tournament.

יצירת טורניר או הצטרפות

Hattrick Arena has a flexible tournament creation system. It is possible to join tournaments created by others or create one for yourself and your friends, using customised rules to make the competition more interesting.

As the creator of a tournament, you can decide on all aspects of the tournament. Name, format, size, match times, and special rules such as allowing only a certain category of players (homegrown, minimum, or maximum age) or setting a salary or power rating limit for participating teams.

Everyone can set up a tournament using Hattrick Credits. Creating or entering tournaments for free is also possible if you are a Gold, Platinum, or Diamond Supporter.

ימי משחקים בזירה

Matches in Hattrick Arena competitions are played on neutral grounds, and they don't give you any income from spectators (and no new members to your fan club).

All Hattrick Arena matches use the same match data as regular matches. So your players’ current form, skills, experience, injury status etc on the match day will be used. There are two exceptions though: team spirit (and confidence) is set to a fixed value and cards work differently. See below for details.

Matches also have no effect on your team or your players after the match. Players don't get any training or experience from these matches, nor do matches affect formation experience, team spirit, and so on.

קרבות ליגה וגביעי סוף שנה

You will also find several official contests in Hattrick Arena. These are created by Hattrick, and you can participate for free of charge if invited.

In Division Battles, you and the other managers in your series compete together against the other series in your division. Every round, your series is drawn against a different series, where each of the participating teams will face one of the teams from the other. The goal is to be celebrated as the best series of your division at the end of the season!

Hattrick also organises two Trophy tournaments, both played during the pre-season. The Generation Trophy is a tournament where managers who started playing Hattrick around the same time are matched against each other.

The Supporter Trophy is an invitational tournament for all current Hattrick Supporters.

השלכות זירת האטריק בפירוט

All the details you need to know about Arena matches are listed here:

  • Team spirit: Team spirit is set to a fixed level (content) in Hattrick Arena matches.
  • Team confidence: Confidence is always set to a fixed level (wonderful) in Arena matches.
  • Injuries: No injuries will occur in Arena matches, but if your player already has an injury from a regular Hattrick match, they will not be able to play.
  • Cards (own tournaments): Tournaments have their own card status, and have a completely separate system of red / yellow cards from 'normal' Hattrick. As such, any card received in a tournament match will only count for the matches that are part of that tournament. Equally, should a player be red carded in normal Hattrick, he will still be able to play in a tournament match.
  • Cards (Ladders): Cards don't count at all in ladder tournaments.
  • Training: Players don't get any training from tournament matches.
  • Experience: Player don't gain any experience from playing tournament matches.
  • Formations: Your current formation experience in "normal" Hattrick is also used for tournament matches. However, you do not gain any formation experience from tournament matches.

תחרויות סולם

In a ladder your goal is to reach the highest rung and become the 'King of the Hill'. And then stay there for as long as you can. To reach the top you challenge other teams listed above you in the ladder, and if you win you take their place in the ladder.

Challenge rules

Your current position in the ladder affects which teams you are able to challenge.

  • Pos 2-5: Can only challenge the team immediately above them in the ladder.
  • Pos 6-11: Can challenge teams 1-2 places above them, but no higher than position 5.
  • Pos 12-18: Can challenge teams 1-3 places above them, but no higher than position 10.
  • Pos 19-39: Can challenge teams 1-5 places above them, but no higher than position 16.
  • Pos 40-63: Can challenge teams 1-7 places above them, but no higher than position 35.
  • Pos 64-99: Can challenge teams 1-10 places above them, but no higher than position 57.
  • Pos 100-129: Can challenge teams 1-15 places above them, but no higher than position 90.
  • Pos 130-169: Can challenge teams 1-25 places above them, but no higher than position 115.
  • Pos 170-199: Can challenge teams 1-35 places above them, but no higher than position 145.
  • Pos 200-249: Can challenge teams 1-50 places above them, but no higher than position 165.
  • Pos 250-599: Can challenge teams 1-75 places above them, but no higher than position 200.
  • Pos 600-1099: Can challenge teams 1-100 places above them, but no higher than position 525.
  • Pos 1100-2499: Can challenge teams 1-250 places above them, but no higher than position 1000.
  • Pos 2500-5499: Can challenge teams 1-500 places above them, but no higher than position 2250.
  • Pos 5500+: Can challenge teams 1-1000 places above them, but no higher than position 5000.

The challenger pays for the match and challenged teams automatically accept the challenge. The match is played 24 hours after the challenge has been made. If the challenger wins, the Credit will be refunded.

Position changes after match

If you challenge a team and win, you take the position of the team you challenged. The challenged team is moved down 1 position (this also goes for any other teams in between the two teams in the ladder).

Example: Team A is on position 54 and challenges B, currently 47. If A wins, A takes position 47 from B. B is moved down to position 48, and the team that held position 48 is moved down to 49, the team that held position 49 is moved down to 50, and so on.

If you challenge a team and lose, both teams stay in their respective places.

Challenge grace periods

After a match in which you were challenged, other teams can't challenge you for 12 hours (from the start of the match). This gives you a chance to challenge a team yourself and climb the ladder.

After a match in which you were the challenger, you can't challenge another team for 12 hours (from the start of the match). This is to give other teams a chance to challenge you. It is also to prevent scenarios where for example #2 always immediately challenges #1, making it impossible for #3 to challenge #2 and take that position.

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