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A How To Guide to Starting Your Team

Starting your team is the first and maybe most important part of Hattrick as it can propel your team to greatness or put your team in a whole that is hard to dig out of. This guide will show you how to begin building your team and how to start winning which is what everyone wants to do.

Starting Off

Well my first piece of advice is to not spend any money until you are aware of the game. You are going to need all the money to set your team up and you will be in much better shape then what you would have been if you had just bought a few players with all your money.

Before doing anything I would read some forum posts. Here is a good one, (13355347.1), that will talk about all the entire game and give you some good understanding. Another good thing to read would be the manual, (/Help/Rules/), which will give you a good overall understanding of the game.

Manager's License

As soon as you know a little about the game then it is time to start the manager's license. It is boring to do but you are going to need to complete this in order to perform basic actions within this game. If you are having trouble with a task then you could check in these two posts for explanation on each tasks, (13355347.4) and (13355347.5).

Getting a Training Program

This is probably the most important part of the starting process. Here you need to decide what you want to train which is a long term decision. Training is important as you need it in order to constantly improve your team and to make money in the long term. Training is based on the week and how many minutes you played in a position. Giving all your trainees 90 minutes each week is crucial. Training is a big source of income and you will need it if you want to make big improvements on the team and start winning more games.

You can look at the training types here, (/Club/Training/), and I will tell you a little more about each here:

Goalkeeping - Here you only need to get 2 trainees and the training speeds are really quick. You can also use any formation you want since you always use a keeper. The bad part is you dont make as much money and your team does not improve as much.

Defending - The good thing about defending training is you have 10 trainees which turns into more money and the trainees are cheap when you first buy them. The bad part is the training is slow and you wont win as many games when you first train. The best formations to use with defending training are 550, 541, 532, and 523. In these formations all 5 defenders will get full training.

Playmaking - This training will improve your team the quickest because midfield is the most important part of the game which means you will be winning more games. The bad part is the profit is not very large when you end up selling your trainees. The main formations to use here are the 352 and 451 with people also using the 253 and 550 to maximize training. The inner mids get full training while the wingers get half training so put your best trainees at the inner mid position.

Winger - The good part of this training is that it is quick and you have high formation flexibility. The bad part is that it is a tough formation to manage making it tougher for new managers to use it. The wingers get full training while the wing backs get 50% training. The wing backs in this training are usually just defender trainees that you train in winger to give them some value before you sell.

Scoring - This is probably the most fun training since it leads to a lot of goals when paired with some good midfielders. The training is also fast. The bad part is you have to play formations with 3 forwards, usually the 343 or 433, which does not give you a lot of defense or midfield. All forwards get full training.

The trainees you should get should be 17 or 18 years old and passable in the skill you are going to train. Right now that is all your budget can handle but once you are ready to buy your second set of trainees then you can look for more.

Those are the training types that new managers should choose from. There is no "best" choice or "right" choice when it comes to training. All of these trainings can work and make your team good if they are used properly.

In order for this to be run properly you must schedule a friendly every week. You can issue or accept challenges here, (/Club/Challenges/). This will let you have a 2nd group of trainees play in a game for the week.

You will also need to get a new coach in order to give your trainees a better chance to improve. You can get a new coach here, (/Club/Training/ChangeCoach.aspx). Choose external recruiting in order to get your coach. You should get a solid coach with poor leadership. You can choose the type of trainer based on if you want more defense, attack, or a little of both.

Finishing it Off

Once you have your trainees and your new coach then you are going to need to get the rest of your team set up. For all the non-training positions you should buy 27-30 year old passable/solid main skill players. Once again you will probably be doing this on the cheap side but it will still be a good help to your team.

After this you are pretty much done with getting started. Now you can go out and learn more on your own. Please join the national forum, (/Forum/Overview.aspx?v=0&f=603744), and post there. You can ask questions there, support the NT/U20 team, or just have fun and make friends.

If you have any questions feel free to send me a message, (10234591), or message the current NT coach Mister_LH, (6156292), or the current U20 coach riccio7, (6316507).

Thanks for reading this and I hope you can enjoy this game.

2010-12-27 15:10:28, 3757 views

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