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New NT Gave_ hunting for a Trophy

In 2018/2019 he managed twice in a row the U20 of Ireland. Now he is back: Gave_ has won the elections and became Irelands new Nationaltrainer! With the same players as in 2019 the Manager of the very first medal with the U20 team of Ireland is hunting for a new trophy! In this interview you get to know him and he tells how he prepared himself for this new adventure!

Racing Reporter: Hi Gave_, congrats to your win of the election! Can you please introduce yourself for those, who don't know you yet?

Gave_: Hey there! I'm Davide, 27 years old, I live in northern Italy (near Como/Milan) and I work as orthoptist. I was invited here by a former neighbor of mine and I just loved the idea of football and maths together... Of course it wouldn't be enough to stay for more than 10 years, what really keeps me here it's the community, especially everything around the national teams, and the fact that I have known many users IRL thanks to HT meetings.

Racing Reporter: You have been active in Ireland in the past already. Why Ireland?

Gave_: This is actually my fourth time in Ireland! I've coached NT in 2018 and then two u20 campaigns in a row in 2019. I came here in Ireland because I loved both the places and the people when I visited it in 2010.

Racing Reporter: You have been active in several HT Countries already. In which onces and in which countries have learnd most?

Gave_: I learned the most in Italy but not in "my" u21 campaign: I learned a lot in the previous seasons talking with other managers, attending the NT threads and taking part of the HT radio. I was a total newbie before starting to read the other coaches and sharing opinions with them, then I improved a lot :)

Racing Reporter: What do you like so much in the NT/U21 Game?

Gave_: I love the fact that you have full tactical possibilities as you can choose super strong players and you don't have to think about training, you just go for the best lienup.
In addition, having public TS makes it interesting to study the opponents as you can really predict with accuracy their ratings.
In addition, as said, I love that there are whole communities around each NT and the fact that I always follow the games with some other italian managers through the HT radio.
The new format is very intense, but I like it a lot, it just gives you many more aims to fight for, many more meaningful matches compared to the past! I think it was a great idea!

Racing Reporter: When did you start thinking about becoming NT Ireland once again?

Gave_: I've been planning this election since 2018 basically as I started scouting this generation since YAs :D
I have been busy with U21 Italy till April so after that I started checking again all the players and fixing stamina and stuff like that.
The electoral week was very quite actually, i mostly received support messages so I was very glad to read them :)

Racing Reporter: How were your first days as NT Coach? What was good and what went not as expected?

Gave_: Actually I got no surprises at all... As said I've had all the time to prepare everything :)

Racing Reporter: What must happen that you are happy at the end of your campaign?

Gave_: Well, I'd love to win something, either a Europe Cup medal or a World Cup but I know it's terribly tough to make it, and tbh that would not be a must to be happy.
Frankly, I just want to have fun together and to see a bit of excitement from the community, maybe from someone who never showed up on the forum before :)
Your contribution with these interviews is super appreciated btw!

Racing Reporter: Last but not least: anything to say to the Community?

Gave_: Have fun everyone and cheer for Ireland!

2022-10-01 12:37:44, 621 views

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