Contact us
- GameMasters: For issues relating to the game (e.g. bugs, reports of rule violations), not including forums, CHPP or language related topics. The GameMasters will not answer questions on how to play the game, please read the manual and use the forums for such questions.
Please check System Info before reporting a bug or problem.
- Hattrick Shop staff: This is for when you've been visiting the Hattrick Shop and have questions about it.
We understand the following languages:
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Swedish
We will read your email in any of these languages, and will try to answer in your language as well. Sometimes, we may answer in English instead.
- LAs - Language Administrators: For issues relating to texts and languages used in all areas of the Hattrick World and to issues with presentation.
- CHPP: This is where messages should be sent when asking questions about CHPP helper applications. Please note that specific questions about an application that has already been released and approved and are asking about how to use that application should be directed to the specific CHPP forum (e.g. CHPP - Foxtrick) rather than to the CHPP staff.
Please use English in all correspondence with CHPP.
- Business contacts: This should be where all business ideas and questions that are external to Hattrick should be directed.
Please use English in all correspondence with Business contacts.
- National Team Administration: Primarily for use by the NT and U21 coaches, this can be used to contact the National Team Administrators regarding player releases. Election issues that cannot be covered by mere forum moderation should also be directed here.
Please use English in all correspondence with National Team Administration.
- Forum Moderators: If you have any questions or issues regarding the forum system within Hattrick, these should be directed to the staff by selecting this option.
- Senior GameMasters - If you think you've been treated unfairly by a GM you can appeal your case to the Senior GMs. The appeal needs to be in English and you need to present constructive and convincing arguments.
Please use English in all correspondence with Senior GameMasters.
GDPR & Privacy staff: For any questions about our privacy policy and processing your personal data.
Please use English in all correspondence with GDPR & Privacy staff.
- Senior Moderators - If you think you've been treated unfairly by an HT official on the forums, you can appeal your case to the Senior Mods. The appeal needs to be in English and you need to present constructive and convincing arguments.
Please use English in all correspondence with Senior Moderators.
- Global Editors: If you have any questions or issues regarding Hattrick Press, you should select this option.
Please use English in all correspondence with Global Editors.
- Hattrick United support: Use this recipient if you are experiencing problems with Hattrick United or Hattrick Widgets.
Please use English in all correspondence with Support for Hattrick United.