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How to train 7 players in scoring, 11 players in defense, etc.

In this article, a Sithlord reveals the dark secret of how to train more players efficiently.


Not with the Powers Of The Dark Side!

"Have you ever heard the story of GM-Taels the wise?"


"I thought not. It's not a story the forums would tell you. It's a GM legend. GM-Taels was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the algorythms to influence the midi-chlorians to create...more training. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the players he trained...from aging."

"He could actually train more players than others?"

"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."

"Is it possible to learn this power?"

"Not in the forums."

"And the part of players not getting older?"

"That one was rubbish. Don''t believe everything you read, youg padawan, especially if it obviously doesn't make any sense."

"Does GM-Taels know that you talking about him and his secrets here?"

"Err, no, actually, he has nothing to do with any of this... ."

Anyway, most experienced managers know about the fact that with the 120 minute training in friendlies you can get some extra training. For example, if we take scoring, you can train for an additional 3x30 (or 3x 29 minutes) minutes by swapping players before the extra time.

What is annoying though is that you often do not want 3 players for 30 minutes; you might want one player to get all the extra time! In our federation "champions made here!" (118055), we came up with a system that can make this work if executed properly - and of course, if there actually is an extra time in the friendly game, which is somewhat unreliable (and there can always be red cards or injuries messiung stuff up)... Just remember: defense rating up, pressing strategy, weak set pieces player (+somewhat weaken your SE-players) and hope for the best.

I just quickly want to share that knowledge with the community as I think it might give some fun to some managers to try and get crazy with this tweak.

I will use scoring as an example, but it works with every training - except, of course, goalkeeping.

League match

Player 1 90 minutes play time
Players 2-3 play only for 60 minutes, then swap positions with players 4-5 who get to play for 30 minutes.

Friendly match

Players 5, 6 and 7 start the game.
Player 5 leaves after 60 minutes and makes room for player 4.
Player 6 and 7 leave after 90 minutes and are swapped for players 2 and 3.

Now, let us check:

IF there is an extra time in the friendly match

Player 1 played 90 minutes in the league match
Player 2 + 3 played 60 minutes in the league match and 30 minutes extra time in the friendly match
Player 4 and 5 played 30 minutes in the league match and 60 minutes in the friendly match
Player 6 and 7 played 90 minutes in the friendly match

Now, if there is NO extra time in the friendly match, players 2, 3 and 5 will only get 60 minutes of training. You can weaken that effect a bit by giving them 30 minutes of "mini-training" on an off-position, which will amount to 2/3 * 100% + 1/3 * 15% 71% total, which is still somewhat subpar.

A last little hint: Executing this properly is easier if you associate the players with one of the numbers in the demonstration above, for example: "Secondo Espinacas is player 5" etc.

It is your choice if you want to take the risk! I will not be held accountable for messed up trainings^^

Disclaimer: Probably someone else found out about this before, but I came up with it myself and I never read about it before, so here I go. Credits to SOTH (13625999) who had the same idea and made me think it through and to GM-Taels who is always so helpful!

May the force be with you!

2023-02-22 12:38:43, 4335 views

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