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Rookie on the NT/U21? Do it anyway!

There are many ways of enjoying the Hattrick-experience. Currently I have found new inspiration and energy by joining the Danish U21 team.
As a rookie in field of national teams, the thought of doing it was humbling, but it has been a great experience, and I am learning something new every week.
Let me tell you what and why!

All the different ways
A little more than a year ago I wrote an article for the Danish users regarding some of the different ways you can chose to play this game in order to stay motivated. Trying to make it all the way to the top of the national league, collecting all the money in the game, reach the leaderboard of achievements or perhaps focus only on homegrown players to mention some.

Since my first article I made a choice to expand my own horizon and try a new part of the Hattrick-experience; National Teams.

An open invitation
Shortly after the previous U21 election I joined the crew behind the Danish U21 team. Being a patriot in many ways, I have always been following my local NT and U21 team in their attempt to secure cups and glory to our nation. At some point I even joined at small network of independent scouts, who were supposed to support the NT and U21 coaches, whoever it might be. I learned a lot as a scout, and I would dare to say, that it made me a better manager, although the results haven’t shown it yet. During the election the future winner encouraged everybody – rookie and veteran alike - who wanted to join his team, to do so by reaching out to him. I did, but I made it clear to him, that I had no experience with national teams, and I was still considered a junior scout, so he should expect more questions than sanswers from me. That didn’t make him change his mind, so I joined the group, which I have never regretted.
The invitation was the key though, so thank you for that!

Crunching the numbers
It’s no secret, that even though I am fairly good at math, crunching the numbers in preparation of a game isn’t my specialty. Luckily some of the others guys on the team are. All the different scenarios and ratings are discussed in detail, and the numbers are flying around the group forum. Every formation is tweaked back and forth until it fits the game. Working with the numbers includes team spirit and team confidence. I never paid much attention to team confidence, but those days are gone. It matters. I am there to learn, so I try to keep up, and some of it sticks. Learning some of these skills is of great value to me as a manager in my three clubs.

All the technicalities
I have learned a lot about other subjects than ratings, team spirit and –confidence to mention a few. Training of players and going for the right skillsets in order to optimize ratings and use of specialties. Aiming for the right collection of players specialties and prioritizing – when does the right spec. takes priority over better skills? And finally pure game mechanics. The game engine is different at some points, when it comes to national teams opposed to ordinary clubs. As an example, manmarking isn’t an option for national teams. In other words you have to think of more details, which then again helps me develop my skills as a manager.

The big difference
To me there are two big differences compared to ordinary club-Hattrick.
The first one is, that you have to play with the hand, that you are given. You do not train all the players yourself, so there is no guarantee, that the you have the material that you want, and you might not be able to change that fact. Not even over time. You have to make it with the players, that the community creates for you. That can be a challenge. On the other hand it gives you a chance to use some tactics and formations, that you normalle don't, because of your training regime. Usually you are stuck with certain formations, that support your way of training.

The other thing is the Fog of war. I didn’t knew of this until recently (before I joined the team though), but it adds some cool x-factor to the game in my opinion. During the hours leading up to the match, you are not able to see the players and other vital information regarding the opposing team. So even if you spend hours analyzing the other team and its players, a few new ones might join in the last hour, and you risk being caught off guard, when to game starts.

Is it worth it?
Contributing to the Danish U21 has not "cost" me any additional time online, but it has taken me from just looking at random players on the transferlist or analyzing my next opponent just one more time to being online with a purpose.

As I was writing this, the Danish U21 were in a very favorable position in the second round of the WC. We were close to make It to the finals of the CC, but we missed it by a small margin. The success so far did of course make the overall experience more positive, but even if I ignore the results, it was great to get to know some of the fine mechanics around NT/U21 Hattrick, use some quality players - top of the game talents - and finally to meet some great and very dedicated people.

Investing my time in the NT-part of Hattrick has been a gamechanger to me. I have met some nice and very skilled people, and I have learned a lot from them. I’ll probably never take that next step and run for office – NT/U21 coach – but I might try to join in as a team member another time. NT-Hattrick gives me something, that my three normal clubs can’t, and I would recommend it to everyone.

And to all the NT-veterans out there – keep the doors open for the talented rookie managers.

2023-11-06 12:36:29, 4270 views

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