نحن نستخدم خاصية ملفات الإنترنت المؤقتة فهي تساعدنا على تحسين تجربة التصفح لديك.
عبر استخدام موقعنا الإلكتروني أنت توافق على حفظنا لملفات الإنترنت المؤقتة في جهازك.

How I scored 110 goals in a season

One of HT's toughest milestones is to score 100 goals in one season. Fewer than 1 percent of HT managers achieved it. Here's how I did it, and tips for you to also achieve this milestone.

First, basic stats: you'll need to score 7 times per game in average, plus two extra goals over the whole season. HT rarely gives your team more than 13 goal scoring opportunities in one game, the main factor being your midfield versus your opponent's midfield. So you'll need to have a lot of playmaking skills in order to dominate the midfield. In average, I had 85-90% ball possession during my season. This should be your goal too.

First task: relegate to your country's bottom division, and switch in between seasons to one of the easiest leagues just before the deadline to switch. You'll avoid unnecessary competition from managers wanting to become champions. Making 100 goals is way easier when the others teams are either bot-teams or inactive managers, which have lower midfield ratings.

If you're short on cash to buy better players, consider selling your keeper and defenders. Keepers are pretty useless to score goals. But defenders can contribute with high playmaking skills to your midfield. Wing defenders also contribute with high winger skills to your wing attack. That's why you should always let your defenders play offensively. No defence skills are needed, with one exception: keep a powerful man marker for the best midfielder of your opponents, which will improve your ball possession.

Always play 2-5-3. This formation is the most offensive one and result in the highest midfield and attack ratings. Unless the opponent's midfield is strong, let your wingers and midfielders play offensively. My attack ratings versus my opponent's defence ratings were around 80-90% in average. 74 of my 110 goals came from normal attacks, over the wing and central attacks.

Always play creatively. Even if it means getting negative special events and lower defence ratings. Playing creatively increases the amount of special events, without taking any opportunities away. And the more opportunities, the better for you. Even if one out of four extra special events is yours, it may mean a couple of goals more.

Buy players to generate special events. 19 of my 110 goals came from special events. Quick and unpredictable wingers and strikers are a must. Midfielders, strikers and wingers with head specialty are also highly recommended. Experienced strikers and wingers with high wing skills matter too. My unpredictable defender and midfielder also generated some opportunities as well as my quick midfielder.

Have at least one player with high set pieces skills and lots of experience for your penalties and free kicks. Mine had 13 set pieces and 11 experience. 17 of my 110 goals came from penalties and free kicks, which means I wouldn't have made 100 goals without them. 15% of the opportunities you get from a better midfield are free kicks and penalties.

Get your midfield ratings up by playing it cool once in a while. I did so for 11 games. Also get an offensive coach with good leadership skills, which will keep your team spirit up while playing it cool, with a better midfield as a result. Play match of the season in your last 2 games, since your team spirit will be reset at the beginning of the next season.

Get a tactics coach and always play 100% offensive when giving your match orders. This will keep your offensive ratings up when you've already scored multiple goals, meaning extra opportunities scored.

Substitute your older players near the end of the game if your bench players have more stars at that time.

Get a sports psychologist, increasing your midfield and attack ratings. A negative side-effect is overconfidence. This will happen when you're playing against a team 5 spots beneath yours in the league, resulting in a weaker midfield. You can consider playing match of the season against them to avoid this negative effect.

Adapt. After 8 games, I had 51 goals and needed 57 to be on track. So I decided to buy 3-4 extra older players to make sure I reached my target.

I hope the article inspires you, good luck scoring those 100+ goals!

2023-07-24 14:35:45, 4882 زيارة

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