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System information archive

8-28-2017 Updates to the New Match Orders Page

Over the weekend, we gathered feedback about what we can do to improve the user experience of the new match orders page. We worked on several items today and plan to release another batch of improvements next week. In specific:

- he option to sort by all skills has been added.
- Skill level names are now shown as text when hovering over a skill bar.
- If you have a default lineup or if you have already sent orders for a match, you will enter the match order form on the second tab ("Lineup"). If a player is missing in your saved lineup (due to being sold or fired), the first tab will be opened instead, prompting you to load another lineup or start over from scratch.
- We have removed the salary from the detailed player's card to reduce the visual clutter a little bit.
- Cards will be expanded automatically when you hover over a player in Collapsed view mode. However, to enable this behavior, you need to move the mouse to the right and hover over the Form meter. This allows you to use the Player list without automatic expanding cards by scrolling down the left side over the player names, or you can scroll down the right to enable card expansion. If you have enabled expansion and move out of the player list, expansion will be disabled in order to reduce the impression of a "jumpy" interface. In addition, we enabled the hover effect on field and bench's players.
- To clarify the individual order process, we have added a shadow background to the player currently selected. We also inverted the arrow colors. The new background should make the edges between players clearer and reduce the risk of mistakenly deselecting a player you are focusing on.

Fixed bugs:
- Shorting by shirt numbers didn't work on Youth Academy.
- Shorting by category had different order on match orders page compared to the players page.
- Training mode didn't work if your mid-week match was a cup match.

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