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I have received some messages asking that what is my secret in HT. In my point of view there is no secrets, it is all about strategy and developing your team. There are many ways how to build up your team and there are many small advantages that can make difference in the end.

Lately, I found a nice article that concentrates for these small advantages. the name of article is: Tips and tricks everyone should know about

It is a good to read (16081)

In that article were two things I like. The first one is how to get extra training in a week:

Find an opponent to play a friendly (cup rules) in a very defensive way (for example 5-5-0). You need to draw the match so it goes into extra time. Make sure you get 3 players waiting on the bench to enter in the 90th minute on a trainable spot. Each of them will receive 30 minutes of training. Next to this, you can make 2 position swaps, so this way, in total you can gain up to 5 times 30 minutes of free training each week.

I have not tried that one but it is really worth of trying if you have many players that needs training.

Maybe the best one for me is this one:

Don’t let your rival be lucky when guessing which side will be your strong wing attack. In case you only have one strong wing attack, you can switch sides of your offensive winger during half time. This way, at least you play 45 minutes against the weakest side of your rival.

I remember even last time I played against Kans and they had guessed that I am attacking on that one side. How nice it would have been to change the attacking side at some point of the match. :)

Those two advantages I have not used so far, but I will try them at sometimes. Here is the one I have used quite many times previously:

Make your player look better on the transfer list. Let him play for no more than 10 minutes for several weeks. This way, he will get more stars than when he plays the full match. It doesn’t make a real difference, but it just looks better on his match history record and maybe you’ll sell him for a better price.”

I do not know have I got better price, but it is good to try. It is great feeling to see if your trick or whatever you want to call is working.

2013-01-25 13:38:41, 2935 views

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