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English Cup

Fenham Wanderers last 16 cup heroes!

1 Your team, Fenham Wanderers, is facing Thought Police's Unfortunate Victory in the cup R10 (last 16) on Tuesday. Five seasons ago you made round 9, so what has been different about this run for you?

Last time I got to round 9 with a bunch of mono-skilled PM inner midfielders and I realised that there was only so far this tactic would take me. Since then I have trained a few 17yr olds to be competitive and this is the first season that I have deliberately targeted the cup with them. My squad is pretty young and I think I am on the right lines with them.

2 If you have a favourite tune of 2014, please provide a link to vimeo/utube/soundcloud for us to listen, but an old timer's classic tune would be just as good?

Got to be this one - sorry its old;

3 You took over your current team on 22/01/09, and managed one season in Div III the season after your last cup run. If you go up again this season, why would you consider you're now better prepared for a longer stay in the top divisions?

I was quite unlucky to last only one season in div III. I was relegated on the last day and this other last 16 team finished 6th (54399). However, that set my mind on training - my squad has much greater flexibility than it used to.

4 If a fan wanted to buy you a pint, which pub would it be easiest to find you in, and what's your poison?

Cumberland Arms in Newcastle (http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/8d/8d/f9/the-cumberland-arms.jpg) - any of the guest ales would be nice.

5 Last season, the England community voted in Darth Hansen to be our National Team manager. Do you follow the National team (elections or games) on hattrick at all, and either way, what do you make of our R2 exit on Friday?

I follow the results. I thought he did amazingly well in qualifying and was a bit unlucky in Q2. The match engine is a harsh beast. I think that his commentary on the matches has been excellent as it helps people like me to learn. It's the same for other England managers like Anders (U20). Nuttybongos PIC deal with Spain is legendary as well.

6 What skill are you training at the moment and why?

I'm training PM at the moment but have switched to passing/Set Pieces during the last few rounds of the cup run as I have not been optimal in getting my 19yr olds training.

7 You currently do pay for platinum supporter, with your 2nd team in Div VI here in England along with 7 bots. What are your plans for your 2nd team, and is platinum supporter something you'll continue to fund at the new prices?

Benwell Athletic are on a long term plan right now which started last week and I fully expect this team to win the premier league in about 10 seasons time. They are simply a training team - excellent coach plus 3 level 5 coaches. They will be a long shots/CA team. Mark my words!

8 According to our internet research, Fenham is one of the oldest districts in Newcastle like, and they have age old covenants restricting the building of licensed premises. Is this why you are Wanderers?

Nearly, the lack of pubs in Fenham has always been a small bugbear but it's named after a 5aside team which played in Eldon Square (http://www.soultsretailview.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/eldon_square_from_bhs_newcastle_20120702_graham_soult1.jpg) a while back. (A real high quality team that took football to a new level).

9 Please tell us how/where you met your other half (or last conquest), and how he/she feels about your hattrick addiction?

My other half thinks I'm mad but she likes games too. She entered the national Settlers of Catan (http://images.amazon.com/images/G/01/toys/detail-page/B000W7JWUA-2-lg.jpg) tournament so we both have our social defects. We met in a park in Newcastle (that probably sounds more dodgy than it should).

10 What was your favourite movie of 2013/14?

I didn't think 2013/14 was the best for movies but I did quite like Gravity and I thought Pacific Rim was entertaining too. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1663662/) (Ed. Giant Robots vs alien monsters, what's not to love?)

2014-06-16 19:04:29, 715 views

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