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Interview with BrixtonBlade, Winner of the George Carey Cup

Here we catch up with BrixtonBlade (10673698) who has just won the inaugural George Carey Cup with his team Loxomotiv Brixton (7580).

1. Looking at your team name and user name, I deduce that you are a cannabis-smoking train driver from South London that supports Sheffield United. Am I close?
Yes! At least I was when I started playing the game however over the last few years I've done a bit of thinking about where I'm heading and what I want to do with my life and I made some changes so I no longer drive trains.

2. After being knocked out of the English Cup in round 5 you were parachuted into the George Carey Cup. At that stage did you expect to reach the final?
After getting knocked out my immediate reaction was to try and find a legal basis upon which to challenge the result or, failing that, organise a march to parliament to demand reinstatement. Unfortunately my leave to appeal was not granted and Sean Bean was too busy to lead a march. As you can imagine, it was quite a busy couple of days so I didn't think too much about how far we would go in the Carey Cup.

3. In the quarter final of the George Carey Cup (498013821) you were up against one of the best, if not the best, managers in Hattrick. How surprised were you to win?
There is a lot of tactical depth to Hattrick and I knew I'd have to put a lot of time in to scouting my opponent and looking for weaknesses and then making the best use of the tactics and specialities at my disposal. I didn't get round to this though so I just blatted midfield – that usually works so I wasn't that surprised.

4. In the final (498258213) you played Alton Town (955365) from IV. What were your thoughts going into the match?
I was hoping that blatting midfield would work again.

5. You have won a Challenger Cup now, but do you have any ambitions to win bigger prizes?
This has whetted my appetite for silverware for sure. I plan on selling up in the close season and spending a few years hoarding before having a tilt at the proper Cup.

6. You joined Hattrick in June 2010. How did you hear about it?
My friend, mentor and inspiration CaptainSmithy used to talk to me at great length – I mean really great length – about his team the Pork Chop Chargers. The Captain is something of an idiot savant (the something being that there isn't much savant going on) and I thought if he could reach the dizzy heights of series II that maybe I could too.

7. You run a youth academy. Do you enjoy that?
Yes. I very much agree with some words my mentor told me when I set up my academy. He told me “Running a youth academy is very much like making love to a beautiful woman. First you have to scout the local area for promising talent. Then you need to assess their attributes and maybe play some games and try out some new positions. Then when they are 19 you say goodbye.”

8. You don't have a second team. Why is that?
I would much rather run one team well rather than do a poor job of running two. Sadly I've had to settle for doing a poor job of running one.

9. If your team had a song to run out to (maybe it does!), what would it be? And while we're on the subject of music, what album would you want on a desert island if you could only take one?
My team run on to anything by SuBo. I find her story really inspiring and I hope the lads do too.
If I was on a desert island I would probably like to have an audio book by Ray Mears. He'd be full of top tips.

10. You are a member of 13 federations. Which is your favourite?
The GMC is the one I like the most *waves to GMC*

11. Are there any managers in Hattrick that you particularly admire or despise? Why?
Yetanotherandy for proving that a long term plan is a good idea after all and BigRon for flying the flag for Bostonshire.

12. How many hours a week do you spend on Hattrick?

13. When did you last kick a football?
About 5 years ago and I snapped my ACL doing it so I retired. I coulda been a contender you know...

14. What tips would you give a newbie manager?
Spend a much time as possible on Global – it's a great place to meet a representative cross section of the HT community and to engage in interesting discussions about the game.

15. Describe the footwear that you are currently wearing.
Clown shoes. Of course.

16. You are the inner midfield scout for the England U20s. Is that fun?
It is – it's a very nice way to get talking to new managers and it's been interesting to get a better insight into the u20 team and tournament.

17. What skill are you currently training and what stamina percentage are you currently using and why?
Mainly PM at 13% but with a few weeks of other types thrown in every now and then.

18. Please tell us how/where you met your other half (or last conquest), and how he/she feels about your hattrick addiction?
My wife sees the best in everyone and is a naturally supportive person and so she just loves seeing the enjoyment I get out of hattrick and encourages me to spend more time on it.

19. What's your favourite drink? And where would be the ideal place to drink it?
20/20 – in car parks or by the compost heap in the park is the best place to drink it.

20. Your house is on fire. (Don't panic! It's not really – this is just theoretical. Unless you can smell smoke. Then it might be.) You can only save one possession. What would it be?
My signed photo of Lisa Scott-Lee from Steps.

21. What question should I have asked you that I haven't?
Do you know anyone that can help me build a big motorway in Togo?

2014-11-11 11:07:06, 1749 views

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