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hattrick's 20th birthday continued:-

Our old hands answer a couple more questions. (This is a continuation of Article (20220)

If there was one change you'd like to see made to hattrick to help the evolution of the game and to keep you logging in to your team for the next x years, what would it be?

Hip Priest

This is a tough one. Whatever change HT throws at us as managers I think I would keep logging in until the game dies.

That said, I’d love to see a complete overhaul of the game engine to make it more like real football. For instance, Pressing is a tactic which bears absolutely no resemblance to the way it is employed in real life. Secondly, I want to see the Youth System completely re-done to make it less opaque. It’s far too frustrating. Just show us all of the skills of the players and make training match the seniors. I’d also allow promotion of players at 15 too.

Finally, they need to overhaul the site, get rid of the mobile site and make the main site responsive in design. The format of the site is way out of date, and I can’t stand those bloody cartoons or the players’ faces. A refreshed site might attract new users (though I am not sure they want to invest in HT anymore now).


The biggest change I would like to see is the ability to start a new team in a brand new league with no subscription. I often wonder what it would be like to start my team again would I do any better? I cannot under current rules as sentiment means I can't give up my team. Also, I like being one of the longest serving managers of this game, at least I am top of something.


In my opinion HT has become a little too complicated over the years and this probably is the main reason that I don't spend as much time on the site as I once did. I appreciate though that there are many other players that have more time to devote to the game and they may well prefer the extra depth to the game and so it's a difficult balance ... just don't over engineer it :)


The change I would like after all the years I have played? The biggest problem I have seen probably is with finances. So many teams have struggled with the game due to not having enough cash. So maybe hattrick credits could be exchanged for in game cash?


The problem with change is that the game succeeded for many years and there's a fine line between introducing changes which will bring in new users, and introducing the same changes which will put off existing users. There have been many great managers who've left partly due to changes and not being able to, or wanting to adjust.

I think the game went through a number of changes which was enough to put off existing users but not enough to bring in new ones i.e. more people felt inclined to leave because of the changes than people who joined and stayed.

I think I'm too far gone in Hattrick now to actually appreciate many of the alterations which are aimed at evolving (or allegedly improving) the game and bringing in new users. It's the simple nature of the game which I enjoy, the fact things haven't changed massively. For me, I'd be quite happy if the game had got stuck in 2008.

Would you say that playing this game for so long has had any positive (or negative) influence on your life, and if so please explain. If not, please could you tell us what it is about the game that has retained your interest for so many years?

Hip Priest

I’d say HT has had very little negative impact on my life at all. It’s very easy to maintain a training programme when you want to be less involved and even when you’re competing on two or even three fronts for silverware, you can pick and choose when you log in so it doesn’t interfere with your life too much!

HT’s just a permanent fixture in my life and I think it’s nice to have something like that, even so small, which is a constant. The community is great and whilst I’ve never met any of the old faces, the fact is I’ve been speaking to some of these people online for 15 years and it’s nice to know that our community is here!


Playing the game has affected my life at times, my friends often take the micky out of me and know that if I'm on my phone I'm probably playing Hattrick.

I have been through college and Uni with Hattrick and it may have affected my studies or just acted as a way to distract what I may have avoided doing anyway. At times I have been busy and not used the game much but logged in and kept it going. This would include meeting my wife and seeing her, that and having a son have been the only things I seem to have prioritised above Hattrick.

At one point I almost made my team dormant, I sold all my players and trained a few for national teams. One of the funniest things I have noticed is the number of transfers I have made and profit from them stands at almost £30m, I'm not too sure where all that money went! I hope to continue playing and when I'm a bit older get my son involved to take over the family tradition..


Overall HT has had a positive impact on my life, largely because of the team name of my club. I have had so many approaches over the years to help other HT managers with tickets for Utd games and have helped quite a few people to see games that they wouldn't have otherwise been able to go to ... As a result I have met some very nice people that I otherwise wouldn't have met.


I'm a hattrick-Olic I love it. I'm not great at it. I have seen lots of changes. Some good, some not so good, but we are still here 😊


For myself, and a few other members of the community, I can see that the nostalgia and legacy of still having your original team is enough to keep you logging in. The results of the team don't matter that much - I haven't adapted to the match engine changes and I don't have the time nor feel the inclination to want to become a top team again.

The next milestone I have is that Yuki Koruba reaches 100 years old. That'll keep me around for another 36 seasons at least ;-)

2017-08-30 20:17:26, 424 views

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