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Happy 20th year of Hattrick!

This article is about french man from Nimes that plays in our league. He plays this wonderfull game since 2003 and he is the oldest foreign player in our country.

2003-жылдан бери ойногон франсуз оюнчусу биздин лигда ойноп жөлөк болууда. Хаттриктин XX-жылдыгына карата эң эски оюнчулар керек болгондуктан Франциядан бир шингил маек...


For information of myself

I started the game in february 2003, my team is over 16 years now.

I was only 25 years. I'm french.

I work in computer science.

I found Hattrick from Football forum, I'm fan of Nîmes olympique and I went everyday on football forum to talk about my passsion. And one day I found a topic about Hattrick.

I had searched in 2000 and 2001 games of footbal because I played football manager but it wasn't online. But I didn`t know about hattrick, if I did I would be today with almost 20th year at hattrick and probably the most old french player in activity.

I have known a loot of changes in hattrick.

When I started the game coach was generated by random, you paid 10 000 euros and the game given you a coach, but sometine you needed over 20 000 to try to have a good coach.

That was the same for youth player and young academy hadn't exist and all played games was more a radom result than the fruit of your labour LOL

That was not lot of tactical than now.

I'm happy with a big range of changement. But community of almost 1 millions player is really smaller now so probably that wasn't fit or people fed up of the game.

I have seen almost all my virtual friend as real supporter of hattrick year after year.

Around 2005 I had found a lot of same website with news on the actuality of the bigger league.

Why you have chosen Kyrgyz Republic and how long you can stay with us?
I have chosen Kyrgyz Republic because I have a hattrick friend Kiwoui that is JFM on road who played here. That was the principal reason of my choise.

And i hope to stay a long time because I have already bought over 2 years of hattrick supporter.

Until now I'm very happy of my choice I feared about the small amount of user and a death comunity, but in a few time I had found almost much people to talk than in my last country in Irland.

It is good to see you here. You got very big experience in HT. What you can say to new users that have joint us?
To be patient, because your work don't paid immediatly, they are some injustice sometime in the result of the games. But on a medium or long time Luck and unluck will be balanced.

And participate to the life at the forum, because the full potentiel of hattrick can't be known if you don't join the social life and exchange experience and what you feel with other users.

There is great difference with manager games that you play only angaist your computer.

It is better if you can learn from website or hattrick forum, but expérience of errors will give you more than that through the time.

What was the reason that you stay so much long time. And difference of HT from other games?
My relation with hattrick is very special. I had a 2 time serious problem of health and couldn`t focused on the game and talked to my hattrick friend and he helped me a lot to face at that hard period.

I had some time where I had less time on hattrick but hattrick has now a special place in my life. And I never give up.

The difference is that game is a really social game, a game with challenge if you want success, but a game you can play few time if your life needed it or a lot of time if you want.

Can we see you as a champion of Jogorku Liga in the future?
I hope, but in 16 years I had won only an emeral cup and a second league title LOL. But this only 3 divisions that will let me more chance to try :)

And for a first season in Kyrgyzstan I finished 3rd in the hardest 3th league, the only one who started win not Bots, so maybe this is the good team :D

What is the difference between HT and other games?
Oh, I played to Football manager

But i prefer hattrick for the community the exchange of HT mail with other players.

Play versus computer is quickly annoying

I played a game of Rugby, but that was hard to understand when you train some skills that who will be really better in your game. The game was too confused and I didn't knew what I had to do for some tactics

In hattrick is simple and rich game at same time.

2019-05-25 13:28:12, 343 views

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