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National team world: U20

This paper is intended to be a small introduction to the world of national teams where, apart from the result, planning and collaboration are fundamental. A world that interests many but few manage to live as an added value to hattrick.

The world of national teams has always fascinated me, as surely as I do to you, but in concrete terms what are we talking about?
In reality, "national" means research, analysis, planning, collaboration all aimed at a result.
Well, simple isn't it? In words, it is in fact an extremely interesting, unique and complex aspect of the game.
The national teams first of all need a coach who takes care of it, who takes care to create around him a reliable staff who methodically sieves the tracker in search of all those players who can potentially be useful to the cause.
The manager sets the guidelines, the parameters for such research, and "unleashes" the various scouts in search of national candidates.
Each nation clearly has its own "needs", its own minimum thresholds in terms of skills that differentiate them from each other.
Wales specifically has a decent community which allows it to be a little more pretentious in terms of results than other less alive nations; obviously countries like Germany and Italy are far away.
The national team staff is basically divided into roles where each scout creates, always supervised and assisted by the coach, the list of the best players in relation to the age and competition in which he could participate (those which, pre-modification, were the qualifications or the world).
Currently in Wales, with the election of MeisterAndy (186942) we have had some staff changes starting from the role of assistant of the coach (new arrival of MaxMayer (11789072) who is responsible for supporting the coach and monitoring the youth and a new scout for midfielders, the Calcioadriano manager (742985); the other roles remain covered by John_Spartan_84 (11433110) (wingers and attackers), SirBosca (12589761) (goalkeepers), Migna (12350194) (defenders) and as chief scout and free hitter the veteran Romanian_Cracka (11657353).
Collaboration, as mentioned above, is fundamental not only among staff members but, above all, among all managers who train our young promises. Being able to have a network of reliable managers is how much more difficult it is; It is certainly complicated for every manager to manage a national candidate because training requires certain conditions which, not always, are compatible with, perhaps, the will to win or with a team of certain characteristics (for example, an over 30 team ).
Communication, seriousness and availability are determining factors in building a good U20. We must dispel the myth that everything always and only depends on the coach and / or the staff, the truth is that these have a function of control and management (certainly important) but the difference is made primarily by those who commit themselves and make themselves available of the nation, in order to provide all the tools to those who will then have to make the choices. Training a young Welshman means dedicating himself to him, cradling him and helping him in the best way possible to allow him to become a true national player. The satisfaction of seeing one's own player, after many sacrifices, making his international debut is an aspect that makes us proud (without considering the economic gain); the same staff rejoices when a new player joins the group, it means that everyone has worked well: a success for the group.
To date, we no longer start from 17 years old to build a project but even start from the youth teams, which until a few years ago were not so followed, the only catchment area for a nation; just the youth need special attention to avoid losing potential small potential players. Wales has an excellent staff, very good players are coming from the youth teams recently (thanks to your extraordinary work) and if you want to realize all the work behind us, your part is also required.
We have excellent elements in perspective that, if trained well, I can really help the national team to reach new and prestigious goals.
The success of a national team depends on all of us, never forget it.

2020-06-17 18:49:16, 372 views

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