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Running fast for the next World Cup!

YEAH!! We got it! Saudi Arabia National Team will participate in next World Cup! In this article we will try to take a look at our journey during the qualification cycle.

First Match vs Guam: (22189146)
For Guam this has been their first official match in history. With a young team they managed to line up an interesting Counter Attack squad. We've had many chances but we score only 1 goal! +3 points!
But honestly we weren't happy! We wanted more score and we needed full confidence to play against Bangladesh, one of strongest team in our group!

Second Match vs Bangladesh: (22189165)
Another CA opponent! You all know that I hate CA!
The game was incredibly hard for us but we immidiately manage to score 1-0 after 5 min! :D
In the last few minutes of the first half Bangladesh
After the break we restart to play aggressive but time is running fast...
50... 1-1
60... still 1-1
Finally... 2-1 in minute 69!
then... another + 3 points
After 2 match we had 6 Points! What a start!

Third Match vs Pilippines: (22189187)
This was probably hardest match in all WCQ, against top team. They think us in CA but we wanna try to suprise them!
We line up a good 3-5-2 and we get 50% of ball possesion.. unfortunately after 25min we get an injuerd and our rating go down!
Pilippines score one goal, than second and at the end score 3-0.
We lose yes.. but we are strong. we have a good team!

Fourth Match vs Vietnam: (22189209)
At this point of WCQ we understood that we're running for 2/3 place against Vietnam and Bangladesh so it's time to spend some TS!
We play away but we get Midfield in a very balanced match!
The result resembled the game, with a 1-1 tie.
We don't know if we loose 2 points or we gained 1...

Fifth and Sixth Matches vs Syria (22189230) and Guam (22189251)
in this 2 match we gained another full pack! +6 points!

Seventh Match vs Bangladesh: (22189270)
This match pretty much is a copy of Saudi Arabia - Bangladesh! Same line ups, same result!
A strong line up by Bangladesh and a solid CA from our side, unfortunately a defeat for us... the second in this WCQ cycle.

Eighth Match vs Pilippines: (22189293)
One of most important matches! We have to win to keep away Vietnam from taking our beloved spot in the group.
The Philippines had a great counter attack and after 44 min we're 0-1 behind. Despite that we don't get discouraged and we keep attacking!
Half time: 1-1
We start second half attacking and we score!!! 2-1 for us!! :)
We keep 2-1 till 80...
and than 3-1 for us: another victory!

At the end of this match we're 3th with +4 on 4th with only 2 matches missing! We are so close!

Nineth Match vs Vietnam: (22189309)
This is a "final"! if we win we reach WQ, if we loose we have to fight in the last match!
So we decided to play "MOTS"
We are stronger than our opponent but still they score first...
24min 0-1... and we spend TS!
32min 1-1!!! :) :) we're in game!
Half time... 1-1 and we're thinking "Was MOTS actually the right decision? What if we loose?"
But we start second time like we closed the first! For now all we thought of was attacking!
53min 2-1 for us!!!!
but their still fighting....
83min 3-1!

We made it to the World Cup, finally! Now we want to try the impossible: trying to avoid elimination the Asian Cup. We will need a win and hope for a loose from bangladesh or Philippines. Or both :D It's very very hard but we'll try!!

Friends don't miss the match!! (22189337)

2021-07-06 17:15:52, 670 views

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