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Amazing 9

A short story about my amazing 9 HG boys

When HT started leagues in Comoros, I decided to revive my Aces Full team. I planned to be in it for the long run, and not try to get a quick fix by making quick money.

And boy was I in for a surprise. The youth academy provided me with plenty of trainable players. 26 players have been sold, some for a decent amount, and others for pennies. But, 9 players are still in the club.

They are all mostly trained in defending and playmaking, and once in a while its passing or set pieces. The motherclub bonus alone will be massive once they reach my desired goal.

At the beginning I rotated between full training at IM slots and ½ training at winger slots, but now 6 players are locked at the IM slot.

My MVP is:

Ikililou Mze Ali (444124248)
24 years and 32 days, Next birthday: 1-10-2021

In inadequate form, excellent stamina.
A popular guy who is calm and upright.
Has passable experience and poor leadership.
Has divine loyalty.

Owner: Aces Full Revived
(TSI): 89 750
Wage: 129 900 Kr/week

Speciality: Powerful

Staminaexcellent (8)Keeperdisastrous (1)
Playmakingmagnificent (12)Passinginadequate (5)
Wingerpassable (6)Defendingworld class (13)
Scoringwretched (2)Set piecesexcellent (8)

The other 8 follow closely, and in a couple of seasons I'll shoot for the stars and Division 1.

So if you would like to follow the future stars players, look out for:

Salimo Bachirou (444308543)
Azali Ahamada (444718765)
Kassim Abdou (443837835)
Ikililou Mze Ali (444124248)
Camal Abdallah (445742835)
Kassim Alhadhur (444812807)
Combo Youssouf (444652320)
Wilson Nkonge (446581578)
Azali Ibouroi (443793080)

AFR for4ver :)

2021-07-18 20:49:44, 728 views

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