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100 goals in one season

A guide for obtaining the achievement of scoring at least 100 goals in one season

If you play Hattrick long enough, there inevitably comes a point where you need a little change from the constant pursuit of success or the promotion of young talent. I read the article in the Hattrick Press “How I scored 110 goals in a season” by laintje from July 24th, 2023 and spontaneously decided to try to obtain the achievement of scoring at least 100 goals in one season. I succeeded on the first try. Here's how:

You need opponents as weak as possible, preferably bots, so it makes sense to play in the lowest league of any given country. Because during the 14 games of the season you have to score more than 7 goals per game on average (at least 12 × 7 and 2 × 8 goals). You should use the league swap window to move to a league that is super weak, especially in midfield ratings (this way I ended up in a league with five bots and two (albeit very weak) human-managed teams). This is particularly important because in order to score as many goals as possible, you have to get as many scoring chances as possible, and you usually only get these if you have as much ball possession as possible, which in turn requires a very superior midfield.

Which brings me neatly along to the lineup. Since the objective must be to have as much ball possession as possible and also a strong attack in order to convert the many chances into many goals, it is best to play in a 2-5-3 formation. I positioned the wingers and the central midfielders offensively. Of the two defenders, I set up one as an offensive wingback, the other as a normal central defender, who - equipped with the special ability "powerful" - man-marked the best midfielder of the respective opponent in every game (even when I played against bots). That further increased my superiority in the midfield, sometimes by a surprising amount. Of course, with a lineup like that you have next to no defense. But since you are awarded almost all the chances to score and your (weak) opponents get almost none, this doesn't matter. I only conceded one goal in the entire season. But even if you conceed one or two goals per game: who cares as long as you get 10-12 chances per game and convert most of them?

It is advisable to always play creatively. This usually gives you additional scoring chances due to your dominant midfield. Lower defense ratings as a negative consequence of the creative tactics again don´t matter. In order to use this tactics as effective as possible, it is necessary to have (or buy) players who have special abilities in order to turn the additional special events into goals. Fast wingers, strikers who are fast, headers or powerful are highly recommended. Fast midfielders or unpredictable defenders can also help. In addition, you definitely need a set pieces specialist, i.e. a player with the highest possible set pieces ability in order to deliver dangerous corners and safely convert free kicks and penalties. You shouldn't underestimate the number of free kicks and penalties you get.

These were the most important measures I took to score 106 goals in the season that just ended. This season was a very nice experience and I had a lot of fun, especially since I also managed to train a goalkeeper for the U21 national team. Since I was planning on doing that anyway, it made sense to combine both goals for at least one season.

The truth however is that you are somewhat limited when it comes to the choice of training. You can train goalkeepers or set pieces without any problems, but training defense is not recommended. Wing can be trained. Playmaking theoretically too; but since you need already highly trained playmakers to dominate as much as possible in the midfield (you might even buy older playmakers with a lot of experience for one year), training playmaking is not generally recommended. The same applies to scoring- or passing training.

If you want to take it to another level and your existing team or your wallet allows it (neither of which applied to me), you can adjust a few more screws. For example, if you have a coach with a sufficiently high leadership quality (preferably good or passable), you can increase your midfield ratings by playing “Play it cool” (PIC) all or at least most of the time. It is also helpful to have an offensive minded coach, as he increases the attack ratings, and the weaker defense ratings that come from it in return are irrelevant. You should definitely play “Match of the Season” (MOTS) in the last game of the season, maybe even in the last two games; the team spirit will be reset at the start of the new season anyway. Furthermore you can hire a tactics coach and play 100% offensively to keep your attack ratings up when you are already clearly leading, so that you can still exploit further chances. In the second half, older players with less stamina can be substituted so that new players with then higher ratings can be brought in for the final period. Finally, you can hire a sports psychologist who can increase midfield and attack ratings, too.

I hope I was able to give you a few suggestions. Keep enjoying the beautiful game.

2024-05-23 12:09:11, 694 views

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