Hattrick Off-Season
The off-season is an interesting week in the Hattrick community. It's the week where managers who won their league can sit back and relax, maybe think about life and have some barbecue. The parents with kids, might spend some time with them or even with their friends.
The mood of managers varies around the Hattrick community. Some managers are happy they are getting promoted or finishing #1 in their league and giving themselves a pat on the back for their achievement. For those managers that are disappointed in themselves, they are trying to plan for next season or try to win a qualifiers and etc.
In my first and short article, I will discuss with you about the activities and things that are being done in off-season around the community.
1.Relaxing (One of the most important things in the off-season)
Take a breath with me then exhale (I don't know if you actually did that exercise with me, but if you did then thank you kind person). This is an important exercise to do within the off-season in order to remind yourself that you just finished 14 hard weeks and you got 2 weeks of rest, so there is no need for plucking your hair and going insane. If you have someone to be with then please don't hesitate to be with them and spend some time with them.
2.Planning (The important ingredient to success)
In order to conquer the game and become the best, planning is a required skill and habit that is important to have. Pull a piece of paper or anything else and plan what you will do in the next season and what you will need to do to succeeded (success isn't going to be accomplished in one season that quickly, it's part of the game and you just need to trust the process). Write down what players you will have on your team, formation for your team, the tactic you will use, and training you will give to your players.
Many people within the community are switching their training within the off-season(including myself). I have switched my training from play making to passing for just the 2 weeks.
Buying/Selling/Promoting players
Many people might know this but to those who don't I recommend you to listen in, the market lately has been weird therefore if you want to buy a player or sell a player you need to find a good bargain. But lets not freak-out and forget that we are in the off-season right now, one of the greatest miracles in Hattrick is that the managers are selling their players for low amounts in the off-season. You may be wondering how that is possible but I don't have the answer to it but I love it.
2021-06-10 22:28:48,
14553 vues
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