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The Mended Drum Brazil (92594)

Ongoing Competitions

# 2 in V.174

Still in Copa do Brasil.

The team is undefeated for 5 competitive games and has 5 wins in a row

Hattrick Arena

# 13 in Ladder Minas Gerais

# 155 in Ladder Brasil

# 4 in Ladder Anstoss Jünger Föderation

Club details

Managed by GM-Merfis Supporter Diamond

2 046 members in Splatters

Stadium: The Hippo (capacity 79 958)

League Position Ranked: #1 152

Power Rating

Ranked #172 713 in the World, #2 047 in Brazil and #183 in Minas Gerais

Press announcement

6-25-2015 Bye bye Wacław!

Today FC Gutierrez said farewell and good luck to Wacław Moskała, team's first active national team player. He was one of the most important players and helped the team to reach the 2nd division and stay there for 4 seasons.

We wish him all the best at his new old team you twenty (20) me dirthy (30) def academie and also in the Irish NT.

Slán abhaile!


3-21-2022 Last message by  Maradona_Castro Supporter Platinum

Greets from Montenegro.

All the best.

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