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PZB Caribbean Barbados (987608)

Ongoing Competitions

# 8 in II.4

Still in Barbados Cup.

Hattrick Arena

# 4145 in Ladder Global

# 3 in Ladder Saint Michael

# 264 in Ladder Start season 51

# 12 in Ladder Barbados

The team is also in 6 federation ladders.

Club details

Managed by kalle_kalk Supporter Platinum

3 032 members in Strandgammler

Stadium: PZB Caribbean Arena (capacity 93 000)

League Position Ranked: #37

Power Rating

Ranked #41 106 in the World, #33 in Barbados and #2 in Saint Michael

Press announcement

12-5-2019 5th cup victory

1st title: (497412399) (lokal season 29/global season 56)
2nd title: (620911411) (S40/67)
3rd title: (631941425) (S42/69)
4th title: (642211317) (S44/71)
5th title: (652562276) (S46/73)

-> Close and high-class match between 2 top teams with happy ending for PZB! So we can play next season in HT-Masters again! :)

article HT-Press: (20886)
best LS-match: (630798557)


7-30-2021 Last message by  ardent_enthusiast

AE was here!

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