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How to register on HT-world and submit your team

Since when, last year, the security code has been cancelled, many of us started to have problems with registering and submitting their own team on the Global Tracker (http://www.ht-world.org), due to the new procedure that was enabled.

Many guides have been created to help people with the tricky steps that need to be followed in order to do everything correctly, but we thought it would have been helpful to create one made through images and links, which makes the registration and submitting your team and your players even easier.

If you want to check if there are interesting players in your team, please follow the next steps. Who knows, maybe next generation's champion will be one of your team!

How to register and submit your team on Ht-world


Step 1. Go to (http://www.ht-world.org/global/register_00.php) and click to Register

Step 2. Identify yourself on Hattrick, which means use your hattrick username and your hattrick password: (http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/3107/immagine3eq.png)

Step 3. You are automatically redirected to Ht-World. Now follow instrctions hereby: (http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/3323/immagine9z.png) Be careful with Capital letters and numbers, because ht-world is case-sensitive!

Now you are ready to submit your players!

Submit your team

Step 1. Go to page (http://www.ht-world.org) and click on the "Submit players", which is the second button on the left.

Step 2. Insert your ht-world Username and ht-world Password as choosen at
step3 of register and click on the "Enter Button" (http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/5493/immagine10i.png)

The system will automatically scan your team for players who are interesting!

We hope this guide has been helpful for many of you!


2011-12-30 21:02:18, 939 pregleda

Link izravno na ovaj članak (HT-ML, za forum): [ArticleID=14151]

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