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Stop The Overdone Prices

This federation was founded to start to
protest against the ridiculous price raise of hattrick supporter. Anyone is free to join!

But we want to go further: Let's think about how the community can support HT now. About what's the value in this game and how (and how much) we would like to pay for these values.

Idea of this federation is to try to bundle the community in one strong voice which later tries to get in touch with Hattrick management. This seems to be the only chance to get heard. All former proposals of single users or threads have not led to any success, they haven't even been commented - even worse probably not been read at all.

Now it's time to show we can create many great ideas that can help HT in this difficult phase and that we are creative, feel responsible for HT and are ready to make compromises.

최고 책임자: xagia
홈 페이지(URL): 링크
회원: 41 (1명 온라인)
Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Català
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