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커뮤니티 »   연합 »   FlagTr 

Flag Traders

Flag Traders Federation is the coolest fed in Hattrick. Here all the best flagchasers of the world, meet each other for trading flags.
Our federation gives you the opportunity to get all the flags you are looking for. How can you do that?
First of all you need a direct connection with a rare country's team availables to organize friendlies for you.
Then you can offer them to others members, in exchange of a friendly in a country you have not visited/hosted yet.
It sounds like the picture cards collection. I give you Ronaldo and you give me Baggio, do we have a deal?

How to get in?

1. Apply for the Federation
2. Write in your application form the name of the team/s you can give in exchange
3. Your rare country friend has to send an ht-mail to Sigi1, saying "Yes, I will play for "member name""
4. Only countries with less than 600 members for trading

Waiting for you :)

최고 책임자: Sigi1
홈 페이지(URL): 링크
회원: 14 (2명 온라인)
English (UK)

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