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Hattrick Library


Our aim is to gain an in depth understanding of the game.

We are dedicated to learning as much as we can about every area of Hattrick. We share our knowledge, experience and learnings as we know that each of us can learn something useful from every other member.


Each area of Hattrick will have it's own dedicated Study thread where that particular topic is studied in great depth. We aren't talking a rough overview here - we mean a thoroughly researched and very detailed exploration of a clearly defined subject area. For example, we wouldn't have a study thread for "Tactics", but we would have a study thread for "Pressing".


As well as our more detailed study threads we also provide several other facility threads:

- Index
- Questions
- Early Bids
- Transfer List
- Matchday Chat

최고 책임자: Koning7
홈 페이지(URL): 링크
회원: 11 (3명 온라인)
English (UK)

Server 071