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Welcome Tacticians!

Tactics is an International Federation.

At Tactics, we like to talk about winning our leagues and winning our games by using all the tactical options available to us:

Tactics: AOW, AIM, CA, Pressing, etc.

Orders: Towards Wing, Towards the Middle, Offensive, Defensive, etc.

Formations: 4-4-2, 4-5-1, 3-4-3, 5-4-1, 3-5-2, etc.

We have a weekly Pre-Game help thread in which every member can ask for some pre-game advice from their fellow tacticians for his/her upcoming league clash! We have a Post-Game thread as well.

We are tacticians helping tacticians. We help “each other” to become better tactical managers. The Tactics Fed is meant for new managers as well as experienced managers: No gurus, no mentors, no options over-looked!

No question here is considered stupid except the one not asked.

Председатель: bymbie
Домашняя страница (URL): Ссылка
Участники: 270 (В игре: 41)
English (UK)

Server 070