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The Werewölf Federation

In this secret cabal, we come together for the purpose of playing the game Werewolf (also known in some circles as Mafia or "the game that ruins lives").

We will organize, administer, and play games of Werewolf in our secret cabal conference. If you are a fan of the game or think it may be of interest, inquire within. Only serious inquiries will be entertained.

This is a game where the dirtiest, most deceitful, two-faced squirrel is going to scrape and kick their way to the win, ruining relationships and friendships along the way if possible.

"the US's most notorious pro-spamming federation."

Голова: Cataclysmia
Домашня сторінка (URL): Посилання
Члени: 28 (8 онлайн)
English (UK), English (US)

Server 071