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Caranza's Flags for friends

Caranza’s Flags For Friends is a federation to help flagchasers from all over the World to collect flags in friendlys that are hard to get and to complete the Flag Collection !
This federation gives you the opportunity to get all the flags you’re looking for.
You also can trade flags from your hosts.

We provide a lot of fun and Games where the winners win every time rare flags !

The goal is to collect all the best flagchasers of the hattrickworld in here !

We also will organise games where you can win real Credits !!

I have more than 300 hosts from over the wold, so every rare flag you can get in here !!

At this moment we offer every week in 2 topics at least 200 rare flags for free. Every week we get more and more for our members !!

Welcome !

Chức vụ: Caranza
Các thành viên: 1221 (40 đang trên mạng)
Ngôn ngữ:
English (UK)

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