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House Rules

Hattrick is completely free of charge. We only ask that you follow our very simple house rules. If you think that someone is breaking these rules, please contact the GameMasters (GMs).

The Hattrick team is always trying to improve the game. New features may be added at any time, although larger changes are usually introduced between seasons. As Hattrick is a game with no actual end, the developers have to adjust things from time to time. For example, changes need to be made occasionally to ensure certain types of teams are not unbeatable. In short, the developers supervise the game, sometimes having to exercise a certain amount of control. We try to do this fairly and smoothly by giving users advance notice of any major changes that will be implemented. There are instances, however, where changes must be implemented without warning.

Generally, the servers are continually up and running, with only occasional outages. We always try to give a heads-up of any upcoming outages, but there may be instances of emergency downtime to fix immediate issues.

You may run across a bug or other anomalies. If you see something strange or quirky, contact the GMs via the Contact Page and we'll have a look. We try to make it as fair as possible when we're fixing problems, however, under no circumstances will a match be replayed. Blind referees, bad luck, and strange occurrences around the field are an integral part of Hattrick, and some say that these happenings are part of Hattrick's charm.

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