House rules
Hattrick is completely free of charge. We only insist that you follow our very simple house rules. If you think that someone is breaking the rules, please notify the GameMasters.
The Hattrick team is always trying to improve the game. Functions may be added at any time, although larger changes are usually introduced between seasons. As Hattrick is a game with no actual ending point, it sometimes has to be adjusted by the developers. For example, to prevent certain types of teams from becoming invincible. In short, the developers supervise the game, sometimes having to exercise a certain amount of control. We try to achieve this as fairly and smoothly as possible, preferably giving notice of changes in good time, to help you adjust. However, sometimes changes just have to be made.
Generally, the servers are always open for business, with allowances for operational disturbances or upgrades. We always try to give due notice of service interruptions, but under extreme circumstances we might have to fix problems without the luxury of forewarning.
Sometimes unplanned events occur, such as bugs. If something that seems strange happens, contact the GMs about it and we'll have a look. When we're troubleshooting we try to make it as fair as possible, but for practical reasons a match can't be replayed. Unfair calls from referees, strange occurrences around the pitch ruining a game, and bad luck are, when all is said and done, a part of the game.