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Life and Hattrick

The realm of Hattrick touches many people in many different way. This article covers some of the ways that Hattrick may impact ones daily life.

To some Hattrick is just an internet football (soccer) game that can be too slow paced or not have enough visual graphics of live matches such as a video game might have. These are the managers that rarely log in and most likely don't stay with the game much longer than a full season. These are the users that will not understand or appreciate this article.

Hattrick to other managers, I'm talking about the managers that log in on a weekly, daily, or even possibly hourly basis, is much more than just a game, it is a community. There are countless reasons as to why each manager logs in and is consistent with the game. To those that are new to this, you may wonder what I mean. Your thoughts could possibly be "Well they obviously log in to update their team and try to win matches, duh!" However, yes, that is obviously true, there are a lot of niches this game has to offer that simply cannot be learned or understood in a single sitting. There are managers that have remained active on this site for many many years. Personally I have been an active manager for seven years and to me that is a long time to remain interested in a game, but there are managers that have been here a lot longer than I have and that is awesome!

Now before you start wondering what I meant by there are a lot of little niches involved in Hattrick, allow me to explain. Some of the areas I will cover in this article will include the forums, team advancement and friendships. These three categories are very different when compared to each other but they all play a vital role in each managers Hattrick experience at one point or another.

So the first area I will go over is the forums. Now this topic could be an article of its own and I may just have to write one someday. The forums play a huge impact on what this game has to offer and according to some managers it might be the last major life line this game has keeping it afloat! Here many people interact with each other on any topic imaginable. There are threads all the way from discussing game tactics, to the questions about the game, to Major League Sports like base ball and Football, to board games, even to political events. The list goes on and on! The point here is that almost any manager can find something interesting within the forums on this site and make friends with other people that have the same interests.

The second topic I am going to cover is team advancement. This is the main drawing point for new managers because let's face it, when most of us signed up for a"football/soccer" online game we were interested in our team and winning matches. That is the whole principal and main marketing point that Hattrick has to offer. Every manager experiences the up and down swings from season to season and it is an on-going battle to take your team as high as it can possibly go. Every team does it and it is one of the best parts about this game. However, there are some managers that have become very attached to the accessories of this site aka the forums and other aspects of this game that they log in and set their lineup but that is not the sole reason they log in. Some people log in to access the forums more than they do for their team! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

The final topic I will discuss in this already lengthy article is the friendships. This is another topic that could have an entire article written about it. Touching on the subject above, the forums are a fantastic place to meet and make new friends. If you go to the forums right now and post a topic I would be that within ten minutes you would have a reply to your post. Whether it is someone answering a question you have or someone weighing in on a similar topic, you will get a response.

I have made many friends over the years from just promoting and demoting throughout the series levels. Whether I went to a new series or someone came into mine, there were new friendships made. When you spend an entire season and in some cases multiple season in the same series as some managers you can tend to become friends and see how they manage their team. This is a great way to offer advice and receive constructive criticism. Trust me, people will tell you the "best way" to run your team! But the point is that there are all kinds of opportunities to meet new and wonderful people. And people are what make this game so great. If it was all bots we would not have stuck around this long. Strategizing against another human and sharing interests or competing in rivalries are just some of the fun elements this game has to offer.

Now you might be wondering why this article is called "Life and Hattrick" because I have not really connected the topic subjects together. Well this last bit about friendships is what ties them together. I have covered Hattrick briefly and now I will cover the "Life" part. These friendships that I have talked about will reach out and effect you in ways that you did not even know possible! I will give a few examples of these two subjects tying together...

Recently I was fired from my job at a YMCA. Well technically was given the offer to resign or be fired. So obviously I chose to resign because it would look better going forward to future employers. The reason I was fired wasn't for not doing my job well. Actually I was commended for doing a great job recently. But, I was "fired" due to some restructuring that the company was going through. I did not fit their specific layout and so I was forced to leave work that very day. This as most people could imagine, can be devastating. I went home and sat down and immediately began searching for jobs online. After a few hours of searching and applying I became upset and frustrated. So I decided to take a break from the new found job hunt and check in on my Hattrick team. Very shortly after logging in and setting some lineups and checking my messages and forums I had lost track of time. I had spend the past 3 hours on Hattrick without even realizing it!

Once I realized it I took a step back and thought about that. For a relatively brief period of time I was able to escape reality and gain comfort from my friends that I had made on this game. I told a few of my Hattrick friends about my unfortunate situation and they all gave me words of encouragement and support. These friends had become a part of my support system. When my friends here at home were sleeping or away at work my Hattrick friends were here to help me!

I have heard about people getting job offers from friends on here and meeting up with other managers for conventions and such but I have never personally done anything that drastic. That is when I realized this is much much more than just a game. It is a livelihood, a support system, a recreational escape and some times a mind challenging endeavor!

Finally the last point I want to make is how Your life can effect Hattrick. I just covered how Hattrick can effect your life and now its time for the opposite! Your life plays a vital part in how you play and interact on this site. If you are fired or have a lot of free time or maybe even work with a computer at your job you may find yourself logging in a lot! But then there may be times when you only log in once every couple of weeks due to certain things that life throws your way. Such as a break up or promotion at work or maybe moving to a new location. These ways can impact how you play the game because you may forget to set a lineup or get behind on you favorite forum topics or even miss specific updates to the match engine. Your real life can be good or bad to your Hattrick life. Just remember that Hattrick has a lot more than a league match to offer you!

There have been many times in my HT Career where I have been able to log in way more often than others due to life but when it comes down to it, I always choose to come back to the game that I love. Life and Hattrick...Hattrick has become a part of my life and I hope that it always will be!

2015-07-27 07:42:43, 2917 visitas

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