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A Bulgarian Exodus

The FC CARLISLE DRAGONS manager, winner of 4 Vissha Liga titles in Bulgaria, faces 6 times English Premiership Champions tonight in R6 of the English Cup, which is the last round before matches move to neutral ground. GALINMG took time out to speak with ht-Press before the game...

You took charge of your first team in Bulgaria, (531727) 07/05/07 and have won the league title Vissha Liga in Bulgaria 4 times, the most recent just 4 seasons ago. Almost exactly 6 years after you acquired your first team, you started your 2nd team here in England (59540) when they were first released, which this season now has a team TSI of over 3 million and a current wage bill of £323,607 (in Div V!) which you used to good effect to knock out Vendetta's Red Coat Riot in R5 last week (602631127). As a diamond supporter you have also taken charge of a hattrick International 3rd team this season. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you decided to choose England for your 2nd team?

Hello and thank you very much for this interview. My name is Galin, I am 39, married, father of two children.

In HT, as you mentioned, since 2007, 4 Bulgarian titles and I lost 2 lost Cup finals, but I've had 9 seasons in the top 3 with Lady Luck on my shoulder (may she stay there longer) :)

When the second teams were introduced, I wanted to compete in a "bigger" HT country (albeit pretty similar to the the Bulgarian) as facing more experienced and good managers is always the best challenge for me. So it was for this reason allied to the fact that Carlisle and England were (and are) a part of my life, the decision was easy.

You have made 237 transfers with FC Carlisle Dragons so far (an average of over 1 per week), please tell us a little bit about how you use the transfer market to help grow your team (have you any tips you could pass along to any less experienced managers reading this)?

That many?!?! :)

What gives me great pleasure in HT is the team building aspect, involving planning and developing players to suit that plan.

I am not very good (a lack of patience I guess) at hoarding and that is why I usually run short of cash. I don't really have time for skill/day trading because I am quite busy during the week and those require you to be online quite often. So, basically, I turn to the transfer market at the beginning of my project, when my youth academy failed to supply me with decent trainees, and then of course return to the market later to improve the team when I start "climbing" up. My income is predominantly based upon training and selling players from my own youth academy.

With the prices going crazy in the last couple of seasons I think I will soon be short of cash again. I am seriously considering selling everyone and to cash in. Haha

(Ed. There's a few Prem managers who would prefer it if you'd done that already, I suspect)

Your home grown Head spec IM, Cornelius Greening (399567799) looks to be the kind of player to build a team around, was this a deliberate strategy, and do you think will he play for England one day?

Yes, I needed players to start building my project around. He had decent starting skills and of course the right speciality. I was not particularly lucky at that time with my other youth players, and the market was a bit short of English 17-year-old trainees. This is why, as you now you can see, I have this wage bill.

I would not mind seeing Cornelius play for the NT England one day, however I don't think it is a priority for him at this moment. He just wants to help his team achieve its goals. :)))

As a Manchester Utd fan, please tell us a little bit about what you think of Mourinho and the current squad, and what is needed to get them back to winning titles?

Time, just time.

If there were three changes you could persuade hattrick to implement to improve the game tomorrow, what would they be and why?

Hmm.. rebalancing players' specialities is a must. The reign of headers and quick players should come to an end :)

(Ed. Since this interview was conducted, there has been a my-ht announcement that specialities are under review and more about this will be announced at the end of the current season)

Is there a good book you've read, or a little known film that you love that you'd like to recommend to your fellow managers reading this?

The Physics of Sorrow. (http://www.theliteraryreview.org/book-review/a-review-of-the-physics-of-sorrow-by-georgi-gospodinov/)


Please tell us a little bit about where you are from in Bulgaria, including any places worth visiting or places that are good to eat or drink and watch football?

I was born in Dobrich, a small town in north-east Bulgaria very close to the Black Sea (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KHzgJ2wFa1A/maxresdefault.jpg). I will not pinpoint a certain location-either choose the seaside or the mountains-both are beautiful landscapes with stunning scenery.

What is your favourite building or architectural design?

I would love to live in a hobbit-like house, haha (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fe/ff/42/feff420d89823ce838b82b0f893afc40.jpg)

What was your first car (or bike), and what happened to it?

My first(self-bought) car was a black VW Golf 3. Sold it a long time ago. (https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xft1/t51.2885-15/e15/11111435_350105675195068_1499399694_n.jpg)

Is there anything else you think I should have asked about, and what would your reply be?

I have no idea what else might be interesting for you and your readers.
As for the HT goals-I hope that I will manage to achieve at least a quarter of what I have achieved with my Bulgarian team :)

2017-02-21 19:15:07, 831 visitis

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