The US National Teams
Winning a medal with a national team is the greatest success a nation can achieve in Hattrick. Even by acknowledging that this is a very difficult task to accomplish we cannot be satisfied by winning only one medal over the last real life decade.
A strategy to improve our chances is discussed and several useful links for youth academy optimization, player development and involvement in the national team community are shared.
THANKS. The first word of this article is a big thanks to all the managers and volunteers contributing to the US national teams. It is easy, but shortsighted to just look at the players selected into the teams and forgetting about the managers training backup and situational players who may not even get one cap. Rest assured your contribution is important and valued and any national team achievement would not have been possible without you.
Talking about achievements, the US national teams won a combined 7 bronze medals. Sounds great, as long as you don’t look too closely and realize that only one of those medals was won within the last 10 real life years. We do qualify with both teams quite often for the final rounds, like this season the U20, but haven’t been able to secure a medal for quite some time. So, why can’t we go the last step? Forced to change our lucky underpants mid-season? Did we not pull enough 16.5+ years old, poor overall youth players to make the Hattrick Gods feel pity for us? Or is it just bad luck?
The good news is that in the Hattrick universe, which is based on algorithms and probability equations there are ways to force luck our way: Simply by having the better players optimally utilized by our very talented coaches.
Astonishingly, besides injuries (and even those can be minimized with staff) there is no luck or uncertainty involved in the development of a player. It is only limited by the commitment of the respective manager.
Assuming optimal developmental conditions the talent of the player is ultimately defined by its starting skills. Utilizing youth academies to identify and develop the most talented players is therefore the foundation of every national team. Once a promising player is promoted to the senior team he either follows the U-20 training plans (if eligible) or otherwise works towards the NT skill targets.
Coming back to the unrealistic assumption of perfect training conditions or even knowing what those are: Explaining those conditions and working with the team managers to work out a compromise between team success and national team contribution is the major objective of the national team scouts.
The national team scouts and coaches are ready and eager to help, but we can’t be successful without you. We obviously love managers who fully commit and put their teams to the best of the country but we appreciate any help and if it is just registering your team in the trackers or start a youth academy.
Items everyone can/should do:
1. Register in hattrick portal (( and allow your players to be tracked (check box in right upper corner).
2. Open a Youth Academy and register at hattrick youthclub (( and log into hattrick youthclub at least once per week to sync player information. Information how to operate a YA effectively can be found here (19445) and here (16283895.21). In addition the Youth Scout and the YA-Forum (17203178.01) are available to help.
Managers interested in the national teams can get involved by participating in the forums, train prospect or help scouting opponents or talents.
Helpful information:
- U-20 training plans (16939735.1).
- NT training plan (19650), (17222036.25)
- US NT Federation (55289)
I am serving now as U20 Scout for several seasons and we are building additional scouting and training manager infrastructure. We are on good way to improve our medal chances but we need more help. Help in tracking players, help in having good development teams and help in scouting and match preparations. Any help and contribution is welcome.
2018-12-04 04:16:40,
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