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Comunitate »   Federaţii »   CWC/CNC 

Club World Cup / Club Nations Cup

The objective of this federation is to simulate the new format of the World Cup and the Nations Cup that has been created for the U21 and NT.

However, this time countries are not going to compete, the ones that are going to compete are the clubs that will have to represent their respective countries.

El objetivo de esta federación es simular el nuevo formato de la Copa del Mundo y la Copa de Naciones que se ha creado para la U21 y NT.

Sin embargo, esta vez los países no van a competir, los que van a competir son los clubes que tendrán que representar a sus respectivos países.

Funcţie supremă: juntosxla28
Membri: 91 (11 conectaţi)
_, English (UK), English (US), Español, España, Español, Latinoamericano, Español, Rioplatense
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