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10-21-2010 Рэдакцыя: XVI Кубак Сьвету - абіраем гаспадароў!

У мінулым сэзоне мы былі ўражаныя неверагоднымі відэа-прэзентацыямі, якія былі падрыхтаваныя краінамі-удзельніцамі конкурсу. Надыйшоў час зноўку паказаць свой талент - мы пачынаем конкурс на правядзеньне наступнага Чэмпіянату Сьвету! У параўнаньні з папярэднім адборам мы крыху зьмянілі правілы, каб павялічыць цікавасьць да галасаваньня.

У гэтым сэзоне кожная краіна, якая падасць заяўку, павінна будзе стварыць відэа, у якім будзе растлумачана, чаму менавіта яна дастойная прыняць 16-ты Чэмпіянат Сьвету. І не забудзьцеся прыцягнуць увагу супольнасьці!

We are accepting one candidacy per country. In order to insure that only one candidacy is entered, it will need to be announced on your local forum. Keep in mind that if your country has hosted the WC in the past, it might be held against your candidacy. And of course last season's, winner Bosnia y Herzegovina, is not able to participate this time.


The contest will be opened from the 22nd of October to the 21st of November at 23h59 HT Time.

Voting will then take place from the 25th to the 30th of November, the winner being announced in the week of the 29th.


The official contact person for the bid needs to be from that country in Hattrick, and they will send:

- a link to your video, hosted on Youtube, to later be included in Hattrick's official Youtube Channel.

- a link to the official thread in your country stating that this is indeed the official bid

via the contact form to the National Team Administration (NTA) with the subject XVI World Cup Bid (make sure you get a confirmation message back). Please keep in mind that these will be seen globally, so English needs to be, at least, one of the languages it's presented in.


- Creativity

- Quality of work

- Involvement of the community

Bonus : Prospect of new users and media attention

From all the entries, we will then select the best 5 to be presented to the community for a vote.

Jury :

There are 5 votes :

-One vote to the community (you will not be able to vote for your own country)

-One vote for the NT and U20 Coaches

-One vote to the NTA's

-One vote to HT-Johan

-One vote to HT-Anne
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