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Comunidad »   Federaciones »   HF2.0 

Hattrickfever 2.0

Restart of legendary fed Hattrickfever has begun !!! All HT addicts are welcome !!

If you are logo or teamkit designer then join us and open your shop :)

If you want to trade with flags then please go ahead :)

If you like to arrange and/or play different fed games, then this fed is perfect place to be !! ;)

Or maybe you just want to chat with different people around the world and find new friends ;) Its a great idea if I may say so ;)

Let us squeese everything possible (and impossible)out of this game and lets make our HT experience unforgettable ;)

Puesto de Jefe:
Miembros: 76 (11 conectados)
English (UK)

Server 070