ما از کوکی استفاده می‌کنیم - این به ما کمک می‌کند که به شما تجربه بهتری بدهیم.
با استفاده از وبسایت ما، شما می‌پذیرید که ما می‌توانیم روی رایانه شما کوکی ذخیره کنیم و به آن‌ها دسترسی داشته باشیم.

اطلاعات سیستم

سلامت هت‌تریک، تا آن‌جا که ما می‌دانیم

موتور ِ هت‌تریک

بازار نقل و انتقالات


زیر بنا


تلفن همراه

... اگر به مورد دیگری برخوردید، لطفاً آن‌ را گزارش کنید.

چه خبر؟

7-21-2024 Update on Youth Scouts Finding Goalkeepers

Since last week, we have improved the chances of finding a goalkeeper in both youth systems when you call your scouts. While the top goalkeepers remain unaffected, we have reduced the number of very poor ones. When we transitioned from the old scout network to the new merged system, the balance regarding goalkeepers was disrupted, resulting in an increased number of goalkeepers with very low skills.

7-13-2024 Slow site

The site seems to be working slowly, especially when logging in. We're trying to find the issue.

Update: The problem should have been solved. If you still experience issues, you can contact us about it.

6-17-2024 Hattrick Masters draw

The first round of the Hattrick Masters has been drawn.
This is the first edition of the tournament with more than 256 teams taking part, therefore the HT Masters will have 9 rounds this season:

Round 1: Monday 24 June 16:00 (week 5)
Round 2: Thursday 27 June 20:00 (week 5)
Round 3: Monday 1 July 16:00 (week 6)
Round 4: Thursday 4 July 20:00 (week 6)
Round 5: Monday 8 July 16:00 (week 7)
Round 6: Thursday 11 July 20:00 (week 7)
Round 7: Monday 15 July 16:00 (week 8)
Round 8: Thursday 18 July 20:00 (week 8)
Round 9: Thursday 25 July 20:00 (week 9)

6-10-2024 Transfer issue

Because of an issue that caused it not being possible to place bids on certain players we temporarily halted the transfer market while we were working on a fix to solve this problem. The problem has been solved now and all transfers between 20:48 and 21:23 CET have been extended by one hour. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

6-4-2024 Homegrown League promotions

We want to announce that Homegrown League will have 2 promotions per season going forward and until teams reach the top division. This means that the top two teams in each series at the end of the season will be automatically promoted to the next higher division. This changed is aligned with the rule we have in similar special leagues, where we provide more opportunities for growth inside the league, as well as to reduce the impact of bots. At the same time, "lucky losers" from the lower division will also get an extra promotion to replace the bots in V division.

The promotions will be handled manually and not at the same time as the rest of the leagues. This means, there will always be a gap of a few days between other leagues and HGL promotions.

Thank you and we wish you a season full of joy.

5-19-2024 Missing Prize and Promotion money

Teams across Hattrick has not received their league prize money and promotion bonuses as expected today. We are well aware of this and will work to solve this issue as soon as possible. It may very well not be until Monday that the issue is properly solved, but rest assured, the money will come.

5-17-2024 Changes regarding weather updates and match times in some countries

From the next season on, the weather for the day after will not be a forecast that may or may not change, but it will show the actual weather with total certainty. This will help users set the lineup one day prior to the match knowing 100% sure what the weather will be.

Besides this, in some countries we've also changed one weather update that was too close in time to some National Team matches, in order to avoid an unlikely (but possible) situation in which a delay in the weather update could make a NT match be played with the weather of the day before. The affected countries are Liechtenstein and Finland (on Mondays), and Switzerland, Paraguay, Bolivia and Ecuador (on Fridays).

Due to several reasons, we've also had to move the match times of most of the countries on the American continent - Brazil, Panama, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia, Belize, USA, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and Argentina. After gathering feedback and votes from the local communities, we rearranged the match times from the next season onwards in the affected countries by trying to cause the least inconvenience to the local users.

League matches
Brasil: Mon 0:00 -> Sun 23:55
Panama: Mon 0:15 -> Sun 22:10
Uruguay: Mon 0:30 --> Sun 22:30
Peru: Mon 0:45 --> Sun 22:50
Colombia: Mon 0:50 --> Sun 23:40
Belize: Mon 0:55 --> Sun 21:45
USA: Mon 1:00 --> Sun 23:20
Guatemala: Mon 1:10 --> Sun 23:50
Honduras: Mon 1:15 --> Sun 21:55
El Salvador: Mon 1:45 --> Sun 21:50
Mexico: Sun 17:30 -- Sun 02:00

Cup/Friendly matches:
Brasil: Thu 0:00 -> Wed 23:55
Panama: Thu 0:15 -> Wed 22:10
Uruguay: Thu 0:30 -> Wed 22:30
Peru: Thu 2:15 -> Wed 22:50
Colombia: Thu 0:50 -> Wed 23:40
Belize: Thu 1:20 -> Wed 21:45
USA: Thu 1:00 -> Wed 23:20
Guatemala: Thu 1:10 -> Wed 23:50
Honduras: Thu 1:15 -> Wed 21:55
El Salvador: Thu 1:45 -> Wed 21:50
Argentina: Thu 1:30 -> Wed 23:10
Argentina (friendlies): Thu 3:00 -> Wed 22:20
Mexico: Thu 2:00 -> Wed 2:30

Weather updates
Liechtenstein: Mon 19:59 -> Mon 18:59
Suomi: Mon 20:00 -> Mon 19:00
Switzerland: Fri 19:30 -> Fri 18:50
Paraguay: Fri 23:15 -> Sat 02:35
Bolivia: Fri 22:45 -> Sat 02:40
Ecuador: Fri 23:45 -> Sat 02:45

5-15-2024 Guinea, Homegrown League, new league expansions and Club 200

The new league, Guinea, is now open and ready to welcome all the users that want to open a team there. And as to the Homegrown League, all teams and series have now been created, and there are only a few slots left for more teams.

Along with this, we want to announce that three existing leagues will expand next week, adding a fourth division to each. Those leagues are Belize, RD Congo and Botswana. These expansions will make room in the leagues both for more local users and for new additional teams, just in case you have been waiting for your chance to join.

In addition to that, we want to inform you about the rebranding of one of the new achievements after receiving feedback from several users. The "Goal-Getter" achievement has been renamed as "Club 200" and the top 2 ranks have been reduced to 150 and 200 goals.

5-14-2024 Last chance for Homegrown League

The Homegrown League will open tomorrow morning, and the size of it has now been set to 5 divisions only. This means that slots will be limited, and as we write this, around 200 are left.

If you have not yet done it, you still have the chance to pre-register and secure a team.

If you have been hoping to open up two teams in the Homegrown League, you will only be able to attempt this once the first round of pre-registered teams has been created. Perhaps there will be a small window of opportunity for this tomorrow morning.

The same goes for managers that hope to register a team in Homegrown League originating from our new country, Guinea. Guinea will only be created after the Homegrown League has opened, which means you will need to wait until after all pre-registered teams have been created. The risk of not getting a space at all in Homegrown League will be high if you aim for this.

There will be no mid-week friendlies in the Homegrown League this first week. This means that the first training update, on Friday morning, will have some negative impact on background form and stamina. But this will be the same for all your competitors. We wanted to avoid some teams being lucky enough to book a friendly in the first week while others missed out.

3-18-2024 About Sunday downtime

Hattrick went offline Sunday afternoon around 15.30 CET and stayed down all evening. The reason was a failed disk in our database server, which was not critical in itself, but it had follow-on software effects, which led to a spontaneous reboot of the operating system. When the system came back online, we had to perform various maintenance and repair tasks to ensure that all data was intact and secure before bringing the site back up.

When the site came back online, we extended all the transfers whose deadlines were during the downtime and immediately afterwards by 24 hours and then restarted the game engine. This made it possible for the game engine to catch up overnight, making sure most matches and scheduled updates were on schedule by Monday morning.

In the end, no game data or otherwise important data was lost. What was lost was time, and the chance for many users to submit or update their match orders during Sunday afternoon and evening. We considered delaying the restarting of the game to give users a second window to submit lineups, but as often is the case in situations like this, we would then risk new problems, and we decided it was safer and better not to do this.

Please let this serve as a reminder of the importance of submitting match orders early, and having a standard lineup as a backup. You can always revise a placed lineup close to kick-off if need be, but not having any decent lineup in place is always risky.

Today, we applied a small fix, which means that users who are aiming to achieve the goal of watching all league matches live this season will not be penalized for this downtime. Matches will be counted as having been seen.

3-5-2024 Release notes, March 5

• We have changed the start page so if you visit Hattrick for the first time or with a new device or browser, the login box will no longer be visible right away. Instead, only the sign-up button will be in focus and existing users should click the link "Do you already have an account?" to get to the login dialogue.

If you, like most of our visitors, come to Hattrick from a known browser (with the appropriate cookie), everything will look just like before. This is a small change that most of you will not notice, but it will make the landing page clearer and more functional for newcomers to the game.

• A fix has been made so that the “preview bracket” for the Cup, which shows your potential next opponent, can now be shown also while the current Cup round has recently finished.

• We have also added back the link to the old series tables for youth leagues, which had been misplaced.

3-3-2024 مشکل موقعیت‌های ضد حمله در مسابقات

ما از مشکل به وجود آمده در سیستم برگزاری مسابقات آگاه هستیم که در آن تعداد زیادی موقعیت ضد حمله در بعضی از مسابقات ایجاد شده است. تیم ما در حال بررسی است و به محض دریافت خبر جدید، شما را در جریان قرار خواهیم داد.

2-17-2024 یادداشت‌های آپدیت 15 فوریه

اصلاحات و بهبودهای زیر اعمال شدند:
• اضافه شدن صفحه "جداول فصول قبل" به صفحه لیگ‌های تیم‌های جوانان که در بین فصل‌ها در دسترس خواهد بود.
• مشکلی که در نمایش صفحه ترکیب و مهارت‌های بازیکنان تیم جوانان در فایرفاکس به وجود آمده بود، رفع شد.
• رویدادهای زمانی که در گزارش مسابقات تیم جوانان ارائه می‌شد، به دلیل ارائه اطلاعات اشتباه حذف شدند.
• پست بازیکنان در رویداد‌های جدید لیگ اکنون ترجمه شده ارائه می‌شوند.

مثل همیشه، بر طرف کردن ایرادات ریز و بهبود‌بخشی‌های دیگر نیز برای بالا بردن کیفیت تجربه شما از سایت اعمال شده است.

1-28-2024 مشکلات صفحه چت

مشکلاتی برای صفحه چت به وجود آمده که سرعت بارگزاری آن را به طور قابل توجهی کاهش داده است. از این بابت عذرخواهی می‌کنیم. ‌

1-23-2024 گسترش بعضی از لیگ‌ها

ما امروز خبر اضافه شدن لیگ‌های گویان و تاهیتی را به دنیای هتریک دادیم.

همچنین می‌خواهیم اعلام کنیم که دسته چهارم به شش لیگ اضافه شد: کیپ ورد، ساحل عاج، موزامبیک، ترینیداد و توباگو، نیکاراگوئه و جمهوری دومینیکن.

با اضافه شدن دسته چهارم به این لیگ‌ها، ظرفیت آن‌ها برای کاربران محلی و تیم‌های اضافی جدید بیشتر شد. اگر منتظر این فرصت بودین، الان وقت مناسبی برای عضویت در این لیگ‌ها است.

1-16-2024 تک مسابقه به دوئل تغییر نام داده می‌شود

احتمالا متوجه شده‌اید که ما در حال جایگزینی عبارت "تک مسابقه" با "دوئل" هستیم. ممکن است در خیلی از زبان‌های بازی این عبارت از قبل، دوئل ترجمه شده باشد و اکنون ما در حال ایجاد این تغییر در زبان انگلیسی و باقی زبان‌ها هستیم. دلیل این تغییر برای آماده‌سازی در جهت بازسازی تمامی مسابقات غیر از مسابقات اصلی (مثل جام دوستانه، نردبان و غیره) می‌باشد که این تغییرات هفته آینده اعلام خواهند شد.

دوئل‌ها دقیقا مانند تک مسابقه‌ها عمل خواهند کرد و این صرفا فقط یک تغییر نام است.

1-11-2024 ایراد در ورود به سایت از طریق فیس‌بوک

به نظر می‌رسد که مشکلاتی در ورود به هت‌تریک از طریق فیس‌بوک پیش آمده است که ما به کمک خود فیس‌بوک در حال بررسی و حل این مشکل هستیم.

اگر نمی‌توانید یا نمی‌خواهید منتظر حل این مشکل باشید، با کلیک کردن بر روی «رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده‌اید؟» رمز عبور خود را عوض کنید. برای عوض کردن رمز عبور، کافی است که نام کاربری یا آدرس ایمیل ثبت شده خود را وارد کنید. سپس یک ایمیل حاوی نام کاربری و امکان انتخاب رمز عبور جدید به آدرس ایمیل شما ارسال می‌شود.

اگر در انجام این فرآیند به مشکلی برخوردید، لطفا با "مسوولان GDPR و حریم خصوصی" از طریق بخش تماس با ما که در پایین صفحه سایت قرار گرفته، تماس بگیرید.

1-10-2024 مشکل به وجود آمده در مسابقات حل شد

مشکلی در شروع شدن بعضی از مسابقات پیش آمده بود که در حال حاضر برطرف شده و همه مسابقات به حالت عادی برگشتند.

12-19-2023 Shop issue resolved.

This morning we solved the problem of last night where it was not possible to purchase the Silver, Gold and Diamond packages that were on offer. If you were one of the affected users, you can now run to the store and take advantage of the offer now.

We've also solved the issue affecting the orders with Gold and Diamond with the 12+3 option purchased between 10:10 this morning and 12:03. The affected orders will be handled in the next hours, so you can expect the extra 3 months of Supporter (+ the gift to another user) pretty soon on your account. There is no need to contact the Shop individually.

12-18-2023 Shop issue with campaign offer

We are aware of a problem with processing the payment request after selecting the payment method. If this problem affects you, don't worry, we will try to fix this as soon as possible.

There is no longer the need to send us a message about this if you are affected. We will publish a new message here when the issue has been fixed. You can go to bed without a problem now, as the offer will still be here tomorrow!

We apologize for the inconvenience if you have been affected by this unfortunate mishap.


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