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Lions Federation

30-10-2005 - 30-10-2021 - 16 years of federation History, and still continuing - thanks to all the members.

This federation is known by its members by the tradition to organise the Lions Cup. We started the Lions Cup over 6 years ago. We try to hold a ranking of all that won the Lions Cup, but at this moment we do not give away HT-prizes. We play for the honour and for the fun.

๘۩ A Federation for all Lions, Friends & Fans.
๘۩ Uma FED para todos os Leões & amigos.
๘۩ Una Federación para todos los leónes & amigos.
๘۩ Une Fedération pour tous les lions

Главен Службеник: -koen-
Домашна Страна (URL): Линк
Членови: 37 (9 присутни)
Deutsch, English (UK), Español, Rioplatense, Français, Italiano, Nederlands
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