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Stream & TOTO for Hattrick Masters

Mcload (7015310) decided to turn on his camera and put the lights on Hattrick greatest competition.
Let's see what he is up to...

HPE-relu_ (7533491): Hello and thank you for accepting this interview. For the readers who don't know you yet, please tell us a few words about you and your Hattrick career.

Mcload (7015310): I'm a 33-year-old, father of two, living in Manchester, UK, working as a software developer, originally from Hungary, a devoted European.
I started my Hattrick career around 12 years ago and learned how to play in about a year's time. I quickly turned my interest in international play, my first NT-elections was in 2010 and since then I worked with different National and U-20 coaches of Hungary. Also following Masters since very old time, erdo (2330678), one of the title winners, (season 39), was a Hungarian team.

With my club, I reached division 3 in Hungary and trained NT Unpredictable keepers, and now I'm working on a full-Specialty homegrown team while doing academy scouting for U-20. Plenty of things go to 12 years.

HPE-relu_ (7533491): When you find out that streaming is one of your passions and how you decided to stream on Hattrick?

Mcload (7015310): I would not say streaming is actually one of my passions. I mostly enjoy broadcasting professional video games (League of Legends, Hearthstone, Clash Royale I play and know) and tried a few times to stream Hearthstone or another card game, Faeria. I really enjoy though Uncle-Mish's Hattrick Streaming, I was one of his early supporters and I think it's a really good way to give back to the community and build more interest in the game.
So as he is doing U-20/NT, it was obvious I can pick up Hattrick Masters.

HPE-relu_ (7533491): Where can we follow your streaming and what are the highlights of this HM edition?

Mcload (7015310): ( is the address of my channel, where the streams will be held.
My thread (17251671.1) features a TOTO game, lists, statistics and other fun facts about the Masters competition.

Here are the Masters participants this season: (17251671.3)

Hugsanleg kjaftaskjóða (spoiler). Smelltu hér til svala forvitninni

History facts, title holders: (17251671.11)
Hugsanleg kjaftaskjóða (spoiler). Smelltu hér til svala forvitninni

And here is the TOTO first round coupon: (17251671.40). I hope this contest will have as many participants as possible.
Hugsanleg kjaftaskjóða (spoiler). Smelltu hér til svala forvitninni

HPE-relu_ (7533491): Very nice initiative! Congrats!
How many views do you expect on the start and how many do you estimate for the final?

Mcload (7015310): I will be happy if anyone comes up for the first occasion. I hope this interview and article also can help. If it will go well, we may build up a great community, but as less and less match will be in each round, that could also decrease the interest.

HPE-relu_ (7533491): Are you doing this alone or is someone helping to collect all the relevant pieces of information? How much time does it take to handle it?

Mcload (7015310): I do it alone regarding the Masters. I got help about streaming from Uncle-Mish (11419808), I think our cooperation is amazing.
Collecting the teams was not that easy, but if you do a lot of scouting, you are used to it, so I would not say it was so much time.

HPE-relu_ (7533491): Amazing, indeed! Congrats to both of you for your contribution to a better community!
I see you are an experimented and passionate Hattrick manager. You play for quite a few real years and have solid experience both with national teams and individual clubs.
If they would let you run the game for a year what would be the very first things you'll try to improve/change?

Mcload (7015310): As a software developer and a long time gamer/hobbyist game designer running Hattrick would be a dream job for me. But I think a proper job pitch would be too long for this article.
First of all, I would hire Uncle-Mish (11419808). He is really good at making a community and building up the interest and sharing information.

On the game engine/site: I would give greater transparency, telling more precise information about specialties, chance distribution and some other things.
A new, responsive design also should be a new development.

HPE-relu_ (7533491): What about Hattrick Masters format? Is there some space for improvement or is it perfect as it is today?

Mcload (7015310): Masters are in a huge need for a new format and developments. It's known that HTs currently working on the World Cup system, and it would be great timing to rework the Masters after reworking the World Cup system.

My bare minimum would be to include into international cups all cup winners including the league cups and the consolation cup and to give second place for each country even if the same team won the league and the cup (so the cup/or league 2nd can also play internationally). Also, the title holder always should get an entry for the next season to be able to defend their title.

I would not advocate for a UEFA-coefficients system, because of the different size of userbases of the countries, but a full and complete system would be to grant international competition to all league champions in Hattrick (to all series from I to VII), which could incentive competitive play and would provide a great promotion bonus. (Of course, not all teams each other between the series, but inside their own, but internationally)

HPE-relu_ (7533491): At the end of this interview please tell us if you think there are some big favorites to win HM this season or will have a very close and sharp battle for the trophy?

Mcload (7015310): Before the start of the Masters, you don't really know. What you can take into account is history (of that team) and the strength (size) of the league which is sending the team. None of which is a perfect and reliable measure.
That's why matches like Leaders_ - Les chats noars d'Ankh-Morpork (642000418) is hard, or almost impossible to predict. Also, there are 31 teams which got a bye from the first round. So a clearer picture will be only emerging around Round 3.

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Previous article: Interview with a Dutch HT: HT-Aartspam (21001).

2019-04-07 16:13:25, Skoðað 8202 sinnum

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